𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬||𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬

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Michael and I scramble around the house, him trying to gather his collection of knives that are sprawled out on the floor, and me trying to pick up all the bloody clothes off of the floor.

Michael broke out of the insane asylum and went on a killing spree. Loomis caught him. Of course, Michael being Michael, tried to kill him. But that motherfucker got away.

I hear banging on the door and a voice who belongs to Dr Loomis. "Y/N! Sweetie, open the door! Are you alright!?"

"Go upstairs." I whisper and Michael nods. He quietly heads up the stairs. "Coming, Dr Loomis." I say "sweetly" and open the door.

"Are you okay?" He asks, grabbing my shoulders.

"Yes, why? Is something wrong?"

"That psychotic husband of yours broke out of the asylum." He says. He finally notices my four month pregnant belly. "What in God's name is that?"

"I think it's a baby." I say and fake gasp.

"And it's Michael's?"

"No, I have a sugar daddy that knocked me up." I say sarcastically. "Yes, you idiot, of course it's Michael's."

"How far along are you?" He asks.

"Four months."

"But Michael was in the asylum four months ago."

"Yeah, I visited him." I say and smirk. "I'm surprised I'm not pregnant with triplets. You have no idea how amazing sex is after months of not seeing each other."

He grimaces in disgust. "I can't believe you actually trust him. You trust that-that monster!"

"He's my husband, Samuel!"

"That child will be exactly like it's father, Y/N! You need to dispose of the little creature."

"Dr Loomis, I am not having an abortion!" I say madly. "Michael and I are very happy about her. We're having a baby girl." I smirk. "And she's gonna be just like her Daddy."

"Y/N, I'm warning you. Your husband is dangerous."

"I'm well aware of that." I say. "That's what made me attracted to him."

"I have been Michael's psychiatrist for twenty years now." He says. "I think I know Michael much more than you do."

"You might have known him longer, but he trusts me. Not you."

"How do you know he trusts you?"

"Dr Loomis, I have been married to Michael for five years. You are aware that I got married to him when I was 18? Michael was 20. We were dating for two years before that."

"What's your point? So what? You were together for seven years." He says. "As far as I'm concerned, Michael could trust me more."

"Really?" I chuckle. "You think he trusts you more?"

"I sure do."

"Loomis, you're fucking delusional. I trusted Michael first, before he even trusted me. And he trusted me with his virginity. And I trusted him."

He rolls his eyes. "I don't give a-"

"Would you like for me to describe the sex, Dr Loomis?" I ask. "The sex is fucking rough. He loves to fuck me so hard I'm screaming. Have you ever heard of rough love?"

"Michael doesn't love you, Y/N." He says. "And I don't give two shits about the sex."

"Dr, if he doesn't love me, he would have killed me years ago."


"I think it's time for you to leave. It would be a shame if the police department found out this idiot 'detective' came to my house and harassed me about my husband whom I haven't seen in for months and my new baby whom you suggested I abort. So, get the fuck out of my house, and never come back, you understand?" I ask and push him out the door. I slam it shut, and lock it.

I look out of the peephole and see him kicking over an ugly statue my mother got us. I laugh as I see him get in his car and drive off.

"You're good, Mikey!" I say. He comes down the stairs and wraps his arms around me. "I love you, Mikey."

"I love you too, flower."

Word count- 657

Bruh, I need to do one with a soft Mikey lol.


𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now