𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭||𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧

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I come home from work, exhausted, but excited to see my husband of five years, Grayson, and our four year old daughter, Kingsley. (You can always change your daughter's name if you don't like it)

I can't wait to tell him I'm pregnant. I took two tests last night, both coming back with two pink lines. Gray and I have been trying for about three months. Grayson's a twin, so fingers crossed.

I unlock the door and happily walk in to see Grayson and his twin brother, Ethan, singing to Frozen in blue tutus and sparkly tiaras. I take out my phone and take a video of them to post on Snapchat, because it was too cute to pass up.

"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore!" They all three belt out, making me giggle. Grayson finally notices me and turns red from his performance.

"Look, KJ! Mommy's home!" Gray says.

"Mommy!" She exclaims, running her little legs over to me.

I pick her up and set my purse on the couch. "Hi, honey! Mama missed you." I say, then planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I missed you too, Mommy." She says. I kiss her cheek and Gray turns the TV on mute. I put her down.

"Hello, lovely. How was work?" Gray asks.

"Busy. Exhausting. Shitty. I'm just so glad to be home." I say as he wraps his arms around me.

"Aw, I'm sorry, beautiful." He says. I kiss him.

"Ew!" Kingsley and Ethan exclaim, drawing us back into reality. I giggle.

"Y/N, look what your talented daughter did to me. Isn't it cool?" He asks, showing off his makeup. I smile and Gray chuckles.

"Kingsley, you did such a good job. You should be a makeup artist when you grow up." I suggest. She smiles.

"I made dinner, Y/N. It's on the stove." Gray says.

"Aw, thanks, baby. So thoughtful." I say. He kisses me again.

"Yucky!" Kingsley exclaims, interrupting our special moment once again.

"Kingsley Jade, I'm trying to kiss your mommy." Gray says.

"I agree with the kid." Ethan says. Kingsley giggles.

"Kings, come here. Mommy got you a new outfit. Let's go try it on." I say. "Yay!" She cheers. I laugh and take her upstairs. I put her new shirt on her. It says "I'm going to be a big sister".

"Kinsley, baby?" I ask. "Yeah, Mommy?" She asks.

"I have a special surprise for you." I say.

"What is it!?" She asks excitedly. I giggle and smile widely.

"How would you like to be a big sister?" I ask.

"Really!? A big-" She starts to exclaim.

"Shh." I laugh while pressing my index finger against my lips, signaling to keep it down.

"Yes. Mommy's pregnant. I'm gonna have a little baby." I say. She smiles. "Let's go downstairs and tell Daddy and Uncle Ethan, ok?" She nods eagerly.

We run downstairs. "Gray, E, do you like her new outfit?" I ask.

"Let's see whatcha got on, Princess." Gray says, kneeling down to her level. He starts reading aloud.

"I'm going to be... a big sister." He reads.

"Y-Y/N... is this for real?" Grayson asks, seeing if he read it correctly. I nod.

"Holy shit!" Gray says. Ethan just stands there with his jaw dropped. I laugh and he scoops Kingsley up. "You hear that, KJ!? You're gonna be a big sister!" Gray says ecstatically.

Ethan hugs us. "Congratulations!" He says.

"Thanks, E." I say.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Kingsley asks.

"We don't know yet. Mommy's gonna go to the doctor's office and find out." Grayson explains.

"Where is it?" Kingsley asks.

"It's in Mommy's tummy." Grayson says.

"Mommy?" Kingsley asks.

"Yes, Kings?" I ask.

"How did the baby get in there?" She asks, pointing her finger to my stomach.

I look at Grayson and blush. "Let's just say... Daddy loves your mommy very much." Gray says. I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"We kick ass at baby making." I say. He smiles and nods. "Agreed." He says.

Word count= 678 words

That was my first published one shot. Hope you guys enjoy. I had a hard time deciding on whether or not to hit the publish button, but I did. Once I get used to uploading, I'm going to have a schedule and stick to it.


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