𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐬||𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬

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Being the little sister of Patrick Hockstetter is not an ideal part of an individual's life and is not something one strives for. It is exactly how it sounds and how you would imagine it. You'd get hated on because of him, nobody would like you. Whoever the girl is, is absolutely screwed.

Well... welcome to my reality. Yep. I'm the little sister of Patrick Hockstetter. Y/N Hockstetter. Doesn't have a nice ring to it, does it? I agree. Don't get me wrong, I love Patrick. He's my brother; but it has pros and cons. Mostly cons.

Patrick is super overprotective of me and it sucks. He hardly will let me date or anything like that. He's only a year older than me. I'm 15 and he's 16. The thing is, I have a major crush on his best friend, Henry Bowers.

Anyway, enough about my personal life. Let's just get on with my day. To the hellhole we go!

I grab my cigarettes, lighter, backpack, and my skateboard and head downstairs. "Hey, lil' sis. You don't wanna ride with me and the guys?" He asks.

I laugh sarcastically. "No, thank you." I say.

I head out the door, followed by Patrick coming out. I see Victor, Belch, and most importantly, Henry, walking up the sidewalk.

I grab my cigarettes from my pocket and light it. I take a drag and Patrick nudges me. "Gimme a light." He says. He puts a cigarette into his mouth and I light it for him.

"Look-y here. It's the Hockstetters." Vic says. I roll my eyes.

"Oooh, is Y/N/N salty?" Belch asks.

"Cut it out, Reginald." I say and flip him off.

"Your sister has quite the attitude." Henry says, making me smirk.

"What attitude?" I ask. Henry smirks along with me.

"The badass attitude, I hope. I taught her everything I know." Patrick says proudly.

"I'll catch you guys later." I say, hopping on my skateboard and skating away.

"Love ya, kid!" Patrick yells.

"Love you too, bro!" I yell back.

I skateboard a ways off, then reach my destination. The hellhole. Thank the Lord that it's the last day before summer vacation.

I go inside and go to the bathroom. I hear Greta Keene and my best friend, Beverly having a conversation.

"Which am I Gretta? A slut? Or a little shit? Make up your mind." Bev says.

"You're trash." Gretta retorts with no witty comeback.

"Hey, back off, Gretta. She didn't do shit to you." I say.

She chuckles and crosses her arms, coming towards me. "Listen, Hockstetter. Just because you're the little sister of Patrick doesn't mean you can act like a bitch to me." She says.

"Listen, Keene. Just because you blew the whole football team doesn't mean you can make up rumors about someone else doing it. Go back to selling blowjobs for lunch money, ok, you little cunt?" I ask and walk out of the bathroom.

I see Patrick and his friends. "I'm not done with you yet, Hockstetter! You're such a little whore!" She yells, grabbing their attention. I turn around and face her.

"Wanna say it again!? Why don't you go blow the whole football team!? That's the only thing that you're good at!" I yell back.

"You're in deep shit, little girl. You're brother ain't gonna save you." She says.

I smirk. "Who said I needed him in the first place? I'm a big girl. I can take care of my self." I say.

"Yeah, you're a big girl alright. You've probably got STD's coming out of your ears." She says.

I was sick of listening to her shit. I punch her in the face and she falls to the ground. "Fuck you, whore!" I say. I take out my cigarettes and lighter as I walk passed the Bowers gang. I exit the school. "I need a smoke break already." I mumble.

After my ten minute smoke break, I head to my first period class. It's math. I mentally groan as soon as I enter the classroom.

"Miss Hockstetter, you're late." My teacher says.

"No shit." I say. I earn a couple of chuckles and sit down in an open seat.

*After School*

The Losers and I go out and dump out our backpacks into the trashcan. "Halle-freakin-lujah!" I exclaim, making Stan chuckle.

"Hey, I gotta get going." I say.

"No, Y/N, do you have to?" Bev asks.

"Yeah, I'm hanging out with Patrick." I say.

"And Henry?" She asks. Eddie makes fake wretching sounds, causing Bill to laugh. I give them all a death glare and go over to Patrick.

"Hey, Y/N. Nice job kicking Gretta's ass." Belch says as I get out my lighter.

"Thanks. She had it coming." I say ask I light it.

"Those knuckles look pretty bad, Y/N/N. Wanna come over and let me wrap them up for you?" Henry asks.

I smile slightly and nod. "Th-Thanks, Henry." I stutter shyly. Henry Bowers caring for someone? Impossible.

"We'll catch up with you later, ok?" Patrick asks. I nod and we head to Henry's house. Luckily, his dad isn't home. He's a really awful human being.

"Thanks, Henry." I say as we go to his bathroom.

"No problem." He says, hoisting me up on his sink countertop. I love his touch. He gets out the bandages and and looks me in the eyes. "You have the most amazing Y/E/C eyes."

I smile and blush. "Thank you." I say.

He leans in and our noses touch. "Screw it." I say, grabbing the back of his neck as we kiss. His tongue grazes my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I accept.

After a while, we break it. "Don't tell Patrick." I say.

"Fuck Patrick. I can't keep you a secret. Will you be my girl?" He asks. I nod and give him a peck on the lips.

"Of course I will, Henry. I've had a crush on you for a while." I say. He smiles.

"So have I." He says.

Word count- 1013

Hope you liked it. I had fun writing it lol

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