𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭||𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬

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2007 version
2nd Person POV

"And you're sure you want to do this, Miss Y/N?" Dr Loomis asks as you both walk down the psychiatric ward.

"That's Dr Y/L/N to you, Loomis. I don't think you have the authority to call me that. We're merely acquaintances."

"You never answered the question. Are you or are you not ready to take on Michael Myers as your patient?"

"Yes, Loomis, I've told you at least twenty times today. I'm not afraid of Michael."

"You should be."

You sigh and you and Dr Loomis go into the room that Michael is kept in. "Hello, you must be Michael?"

The male stares at you with a blank expression. "Michael, this is Dr Y/L/N. She is going to take my position." Samuel says.

You get out you clipboard from your bag and jot down some notes. Patient is unwilling to speak.

You scan the basic info and verify with Loomis that it is correct.

Patient: Michael Myers
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Weight: 238 lbs
Height: 6 foot. 7 inches
Reason for incarceration: Killed three people
Number of years incarcerated: 15

"So, Michael, you can call me Y/N." You say and Loomis gives you a nasty look. "Shut up." You tell him.

You stick out your hand for him to shake and he just looks at it like it would harm him. He hesitantly raises his hand. He touches your hand but then jerks it after the contact.

"Amazing." Samuel says in awe. "He hasn't listened to anyone in years."

"Ignore him, Michael." You say, wanting to learn more about the quiet patient. "Michael, I'm gonna ask you some questions."

"He won't answer."

You huff in annoyance. "Samuel, if you say one more word I will cut your tongue out. It's not a threat, it's a promise. Shut the fuck up or get outta my sight."

He rolls his eyes and gets up. "Good luck Miss Y/N. I will have a guard on hand in case something goes wrong." He says and exists the room.

"So, Michael, how are you?" He tilts his head. "Can you write?" You slide a notebook and a pencil over to him without letting him answer. "Michael, can you tell me how you are?"

He stares at the notebook and examines the newly sharpened pencil.  He thought you were crazy; hell, he knew you were crazy. Much more crazier than him. Who gives a sharpened pencil to a fucking psychopath?

Fine. He writes on the fresh notebook you had just purchased that morning.

"Michael, do you know why I'm here?"

To write a book.

"No, no. None of that. Michael, I'm terribly sorry to tell you this, but Samuel is leaving Smiths Grove. I hope you can understand." You say, thinking that the man might feel an emotion at the statement.

I dont care. I dont like him.

You frown. "Could you tell me why?" You already knew why. Nobody fucking likes him. Loomis is obsessed with this man. And it's unhealthy.

He doesnt want to help. He just wants to write about me.

"I understand, Michael. But are you alright with me taking over?"

He nods. Bingo. You got the physical response that you were trying to receive from him. You just needed the verbal response.

"Michael, are you able to speak?" He nods his head. "Can you please tell me why you stay quiet?" He picks up the pencil, ready to tell you more. "Michael, can you please use your voice?"

He shakes his head.

"Is there something wrong with your voice?"

He shakes his head more aggressively.

"Michael, I need you to tell me why you don't like speaking."

He grips the pencil tightly, causing it to snap completely in half. He starts pulling on the restraints.

"Hey, Mikey, it's okay." You say and touch his hand, trying to calm him down. "I'm sorry, Michael, I shouldn't have pushed you."

He pulls on the restraints a little less. What the fuck were you doing to that man?

Word count- 671

Thank you for reading. And thanks for 22k on this and 12k on the Bowers Gang Preferences :)


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