𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬||𝐀𝐱𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐜𝐤

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December 15th

"It's lame, Y/N. A simple Christmas? Who does that?" Axl asks as I spray the tester of perfume.

"Babe, you're forgetting about what Christmas is really about." I say.

He sighs. "I know, but my parents said not to blow a bunch of money before Christmas, and now, I can't get you anything really nice." He says. I kiss him.

"Axl, I don't need anything, dummy. All I need is your love." I pause. "And maybe you co-"

"Okay, okay, not in public please." He says and I giggle.

I find a perfume that I like and put it in the Bath and Body Works basket Axl was carrying for me. "I'm not dumb, by the way. I might be a little dingy, but I'm not dumb." He defends.

I smile. "I'm sorry." I say sarcastically.

"Y/N?" He asks.

"Yeah, babe?" I ask.

"I want to get you something special. Pick out something." He says.

"We agreed you weren't getting me anything." I say, getting frustrated that he keeps going on and on about the gifts.

I'm not ungrateful at all. Axl is being super sweet, but I don't need anything from him. "No, you agreed. I didn't." Axl says. I roll my eyes.

After shopping, we head out to his best up car and head back to his house. The car ride home was silent. I am probably overreacting, no, I know I am overreacting, but he can't get it through his brain.

We head into his house. "Hey, kids. How was shopping?" Pat, Axl's grandma asks.

"Good." We both answer and head to his room.

"Can you please stop ignoring me?" He asks. "You know..." He continues, not letting me get a chance to speak, not that I wanted to. "The only reason I was gonna get you a present is because I love you and I want you to have a good Christmas... And... If I can't do that, there's no point of you staying."

"Axl? Where is this coming from?" I ask him.

"I don't want you to leave me!" He says loudly.

"Axl, I'm not gonna leave you. I love you so much. I'm not leaving." 

"Yeah? Well I don't think you should say things you don't mean."

I scoff. "Axl, if you're too blind to see how I really feel about you, then maybe you need to have a reality check! Don't you get it!? The reason why I don't want any gifts is because I would much rather spend the day with you! Making cookies, or going outside and playing in the snow like little kids! You're parents are doing you a favour, because you need to learn what Christmas is really about!" I yell.

I grab my coat and he stops me. He kisses me. "I'm sorry. I got in over my head." He whispers.

"Axl, if you feel insecure about me leaving you, then tell me instead of yelling at me and making me yell back." I say and run my fingers through his hair.

He chuckles, knowing how much I hate the word "fighting". It's stupid, but it's true. I feel the tension fade away as he hugs me.

He presses his forehead against mine. "I love you, and I'm sorry." He says.

"I love you too, and I'm sorry as well." I say.

"If you wanna do a simple Christmas, we'll do a simple Christmas." He whispers and kisses me.

"Thank you."

Word count- 559

Idk that sucked. Once I'm on winter break, hopefully, I'll be able to make better one shots.


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