𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭||𝐀𝐱𝐥 𝐇𝐞𝐜𝐤

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Thank you _blueisntyourcolor_ for requesting. I hope you like it. Lmk if there's something wrong with it and I'll be happy to change it. I love this prompt sm. Go follow them :)
also, (y/f/s) means your favourite sport.

"Hey, guys. Is Axl around?" I ask, walking out on the football field.

Darrin scoffs. "Why do you wanna know?" He asks.

I hold down the flow of my rather short dress as the wind catches it.

"Be careful, Y/N. Wouldn't want Axl to see." Sean says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"We all know that y'all are screwing each other." Tyler says.

"Wha- Axl and I are best friends. We aren't screwing each other." I defend.

"Yeah? Than why are you so close to him?"

"Did you not just hear me? We're best friends."

"Ya know, you'd be nothing with out Axl. You wouldn't have the friends you have, you wouldn't have the job you have, and you wouldn't be on the (y/f/s/) team without Axl." Sean says.

God, where is Axl?

"Did I miss something?" I ask.

"I don't know, guys." Todd speaks up, wrapping his lanky arm around my shoulder. "We wouldn't have anything to look at either if it wasn't for Axl."

Logan nods. "Yeah, he's right."

I shrug Todd's arm off of my shoulders. "Tell me where Axl is, asshole."

"You wouldn't want to mess with us." Sean says.

"I'm shaking." I say sarcastically.

"You're so pathetic." Jack says, seeming like he appeared out of nowhere.

"Where the hell did you come from?" I ask.

"You act all tough but we all know the truth. You're a scared little girl who is waiting for her prince to come and rescue her."

"So all of you are against me now?" I ask quietly. "Just tell me what I did, a-and I'll try to fix it."

"Hey! Have you guys seen Axl!?" Sue asks with her usual cheery attitude.

"Hey, Suzy-Q. I think he went inside. He went to get a Gatorade from the drink machine. He might've gotten lost." Sean says, putting on a fake smile. I could have punched it right off his face. Stupid Donahue.

Sue walks off to find Axl and tears threaten to form.

Darrin laughs. "Look, she's gonna cry."

They all chortle. "Where did Axl find you? You're such a loser." Logan comments.

Axl's POV

"Axl! You in here!?" I hear my dorky sister's voice echo off of the locker room walls.

"What the hell, Sue!? Did Mom and Dad die or something!?"


"Why are you here?" I ask. "This locker room is for men only. God, can't you read?"

"I had wrestlerettes practice. But I was out near the football field and saw Y/N."

"Yeah, we're going out for burgers after practice and I told her to meet me here. She had (y/f/s) practice and I know she's hungry."

"The thing is... the guys were there and they were being mean to her." She says.

"Wh-What do you mean? They didn't touch her, did they?"

"I-I-I hope not. I mean- uh- I saw Todd Mitchell put his arm around her and-"

"Sue, are you just playing one of your dorky pranks? 'Cause it's not funny."

"Axl, I promise. If I could go back and unsee the Justin Bieber movie to try and stop them from being so cruel-"

"Okay, okay, I got it." I say and walk out of the locker room. On the way out the door, I bump into Y/N.

"Oh, sorry." She says.

I look at her, nose red and eyes irritated from crying.

"Sue told me the guys were being mean to you." I say, softly brushing the hair out of her face. "Is that true?"

Sue quickly sneaks past us and goes off doing her own thing.

"Yeah." Her angelic voice was now low and wavering up and down.

I instantly pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Axl. It's all my fault. I'm trying to take you away from them. I get it. The boys have to stick together and-"

I cut her off by placing my lips on hers. "When will you stop blaming yourself for everything? Why won't you admit that not everything is your fault?"

She giggles. "What was that for?" She questions, avoiding my question.

"I had to help you somehow. You were rambling."

"You wanna discuss this over a burger? My treat."

I smile and grab her hand. "Yes, and I'll buy."

Word count- 721

Hope you liked it. I tried to make Sean and Darrin the bad guys but I didn't do that good of a job lol. They're too sweet lol.


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