The Funeral

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London, Saint Luke's Cathedral 3rd person

Y/N walks down the aisle holding Peggy's Casket with some other people while a choir is singing.They eventually place the casket down and go to their seats.Tears are streaming down Y/N face.A man then walks in front of the casket and says

Man:And now I would like to invite Sharon Carter to come up and say a few words.

Sharon Carter then walks up and Y/N turns to look at her

Sharon: Margaret Carter was known to most as the founder of shield but I get knew her as aunt Peggy .She had a photograph in her office.Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK.As a kid that was pretty cool.It was a lot to live up to which is why I told no one we were related.One thing she told me is to compromise where you can and where you can't don't even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right even if the whole world is telling you to move it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree and say no you move

Eventually after the ceremony everyone had left except Y/N who was standing looking at the casket. Unbeknownst to him Barry had ran to the front of the church with Caitlin

Barry:You want me to go inside too

Caitlin:No I think he is most comfortable with me

Caitlin then walks into the church and sees Y/N.She starts to walk to her and Y/n notices and turns to see her



Caitlin:I just came to see how you were.That is probably a stupid question.

Y/N:When I came out of the ice I thought everyone I knew was gone.When I found out she was alive I was just lucky to have her.

Caitlin:She sounds like a good person

Y/N:Yeah.Every time I visited her she asked if I had gotten a life.I said yes and she would say have you gotten a girlfriend

Caitlin:I understand if you don't want to return to Central City.It's okay

Y/N:don't worry I'm coming back.Her last wish was for me to get a life and it's in central city

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