Harry Wells(s2 ep5)

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A/N I have skipped episode 4 because you had a mission but now you are back at Star Labs

Star Labs Y/N POV

You, Barry , Caitlin and Cisco are standing in the Cortex in front of Harrison Wells of earth 2

Barry: Doctor Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon , Y/N Rogers meet Doctor Harrison Wells from earth 2



Cisco:So let me get this straight.Your the doppelganger of murdered Barry's mom and is responsible for both Ronnie and Eddie's death 

Caitlin:But he is not even the doppelganger of the Harrison Wells we knew because that Doctor Wells body had been taken over by the reverse flash.Who is Eddie's distant relative from the future

Harrison:Yea I didn't follow any of that.I'm my own man I have nothing to do with the murder of your mother or your friend Ricky

Caitlin:His name was Ronnie

Harrison:Him either

You:Do you have any proof that you are who you say you are

Harrison walks over to a chair and pulls a tablet out of his bag

Harrison:This almost hit me when I went through the portal.Your breach connects to the star labs on my earth

Caitlin holds the tablet

Caitlin:Technically this could be mine.I want to run some tests on you

Harrison:Your tests are going to reveal nothing

You:Knowing Caitlin she will probably do it anyway just in case

Caitlin:Damn right

Harrison:Be my guest

Cisco then whispers something to Barry 

Barry:He saved my life last night.The question is why 

You:And what are you doing here

Harrison:I came here to help Barry to stop your greatest enemy

Cisco:He already stopped reverse flash

You:I think he is talking about Zoom 

Harrison:Exactly.You've heard of him

You:Zoom has been sending metas from your earth to ours for Barry

Harrison:Zoom's a plague.One that has affected my world and coming for yours.I know because I created him.I'm responsible for all earth 2 metas.And Zoom came here because he is obsessed with speed and will not allow another speedster to live.Unless we stop him together

Cisco:Last time we listened to a guy with your face some bad things went down

Caitlin:We lost people we cared about

Harrison:Everyone loses someone they care about.But the test of character is what you do once they are gone

Joe then walks in and shots at Harrison but Barry catches the bullets

Joe:How are you still alive.How is he still alive

Barry holds Joe back

Harrison:I don't know because you missed

You:Your not helping

Barry:Come on Joe lets take a walk 

Joe and Barry leave the Cortex.Caitlin then follows behind

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