Legends of Today(S2 Ep8)

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Star Labs Y/N POV

Caitlin has told me everything that has happened while I was healing

You:You really should have just told me

Caitlin:We didn't want to worry 

We then walk to Harry who is looking at Barry's speed

Harry:Whats the fastest Barry has run

Caitlin:Little over mach 2 when he ran back in time

Harry:Thats not good.

Harry(speaker):Thats good Barry

Barry gets off the treadmill and walks over to us

Barry:I'm not getting faster am I


Harry:No.You're not

Barry:Well lets fix this right ,I can't beat Zoom at this speed it felt like I standing still

Harry:Thats because you probably were Zoom is at least 3 or 4 times faster

Caitlin:How is he soo much faster than Barry is

Harry:form, strength could be a number of things , attitude

Barry:Ok alright lets figure it out fast

Barry picks up his phone

Barry:I gotta go , I'm meeting with Patty

Barry leaves

Caitlin:How are we going to help Barry , I'm out of ideas and we've tries everything you've suggested 

Harry:Well not everything


Time Skip 3rd person POV CCPD

Barry , Joe and Patty are looking at the pictures of last nights deaths

Joe:This was a blood bath

Barry:And it was done by one person

Patty:One person did all this 

Barry:Yeah you can see from the blood pattern this guy was shot first, then the police chief and these 3 were stabbed before finishing off the captain

Patty:Wow do you think a meta human did it

Barry:I don't know but I found some type of crypto crystal in all of the wounds .Probably broke off the blade

Joe:Lets see what store sells those flip knifes

Patty:Well , then I'll call you later


Joe:So cute.You guys are trying not to be affectionate in front of me 

Patty:Oh no we're just doing some professionalism 


Joe laughs as he leaves with Patty 

Time Skip to Star Labs Y/N POV

Barry brought Kendra and Cisco back

Kendra:I can't believe you're the Flash.And you work with the Flash

Cisco:Yeah lets keep that low

Barry:This is the same knife that was used to kill the men at the docks

Joe:So it is the same guy

Barry:Defiantly but the thing these blades are old .Centuries old 

You:Do you have any idea why this guy would be after you

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