Escape from Earth Two(S2 Ep14)

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Zoom's Lair 3rd Person POV

Y/N and Barry are both in the same cell covered in reinforced glass.However Y/N still has his shield.Barry starts to feel the sides of the glass wall.

Jesse:You're wasting your time.I used to think I could escape too when I first got here.There's no way out

Then the man in the metal helmet starts tapping on the glass

Barry:Who is that

Jesse:I don't know .He's been here since Zoom brought me to this place

He continues tapping

Jesse:Stop okay.Just.....Just please stop

Barry:Jesse I think he might be trying to help us

Jesse:Nothing is gonna help us

Barry:Thats not true.We're gonna get out of here your dad is gonna find us

Y/N:We promise

Jesse:You two sure have a lot of faith in a man who only cares about himself

Barry:You know I actually thought that at first too.It's not true.Every decision that he's made , every action he's taken since we've met has been to save you.Your dad hasn't given up on you Jesse.Don't give up on him

Zoom then appears in front of Jesse frightening her

Zoom:Believe what you want, but the only reason that you're still alive is so I can kill you in front of your father.And the only reason your father's still alive..

He then looks at Barry

Zoom:Is to give me your speed.Once he does that he will die too

Zoom then ran off.We then started trying to find out what the unknown prisoner was saying in taps.Eventually Jesse finds out and we start to find out what he's saying.He then spells out a word

Barry:J A Y. You're spelling out Jay

He nods

Y/N:as in Jay Garrick

The masked man nods again

Barry:he's alive but he's on my earth

He then starts shaking his head and hitting the glass

Barry:hey stop look I'm sorry I don't know whatcha mean.Jay Garrick didn't come with us

Jesse:Look just keep tapping please we don't understand

Zoom then runs in in front of the masked man

Zoom:Don't talk to them again 

He then turns to Barry and phasing through the cell holding Y/N and Barry and grabs Barry by the throat and throws him to the ground

Barry:i'm gonna get out of here and I'm gonna destroy you

Zoom:All I need from you is your speed Flash and you don't need to be buried alive for me to get it.

Zoom then starts to to punch Barry so Y/N grabs Zoom and throws him at the glass.He then turns to Y/N and starts speed punching him but he blocks one of the punches  and lands a hard blow to the stomach but recovers quickly and hits Y/N to the ground before running off.

Jesse:Guys are you okay

We both get up and Y/N nods

Barry:Zoom just showed me how to get out of this thing

Time Skip Y/N POV

While Barry has been working on how to phase out I have learnt from Jesse that my doppelganger was the CEO of a huge tech company and I was Laurel Lance's fiancee but I was killed a year ago.Attempt after attempt Barry still couldn't phase out.

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