If You're Gonna Fight A War You Gotta Wear Uniform

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A Secret Dam Facility 3rd Person

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache"Lyla Michaels listed off as the group too in the makeshift hospital room

Finding out that Lyla had been transported to another secure location, away from A.R.G.U.S and their knowledge while she recovered

"Don't forget your collapsed lung ma'am"The doctor that dealt with Carol's bullet wound reminded Lyla

"How could I forget"Lyla responded

"Could've told us about all this"Y/N said, talking about the facility"Didn't even know you were moved outta hospital"

"Planted a decoy, Hydra have yet to discover it"Diggle informed Y/N 

"Why all the secrecy?Especially around us"Y/N further questioned

"Trust isn't a reliable thing these days"Lyla replied

Time Skip

"Pierce denied a noble peace prize"Lyla informed them as she sat at a desk, holding a picture of Alexander Pierce"He said 'Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility'.It's stuff like this that makes me bring up barriers"

"We have to stop the launch"Carol changed the subject to the primary matter at hand

"What's that?"Sam questioned as Lyla opened a briefcase, revealing 3 technology chips 

"A gift from Cisco"Barry Allen answered for Lyla

"Cisco doesn't exactly give me gifts"Y/N commented

"Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponised"Diggle explained as he turned a laptop on the desk, revealing a simulation of the plan

"We need to infiltrate the Helicarriers and replace their targeting blades with our own."Lyla continued explaining the plan

"We need all 3 helicarriers to link for this to work.Even if one of the ships stays in their control, there'll be a heck ton of casualties"Diggle told them

"We know that everybody on those helicarriers are Hydra.We need to get pass them, insert the server blades and then...if we're lucky it won't damage the Triskelion during it"Lyla said, causing Y/N to argue back

"We're not salvaging any of the Triskelion"Y/N argued"A.R.G.U.S can remain but the Triskelion, it's very existence brings threats.I mean a large, out in the open facility filled with enough intel and codes to destroy the entire world"

"The Triskelion is a multi million...no billion dollar project and you just want to scrap it.Salvaging is out best option"Lyla argued back as Y/N shook his head

"This is my mission, and this is how it ends.Hydra seeped in under your noses and could do what they're planning to because of the Triskelion.Nobody even noticed Hydra"Y/N added to his point

"Look at where we are, I noticed."Lyla said, reminding them about the rundown facility

"And how many paid the price before you did?"Y/N interrogated 

"Look, I didn't know about Barnes"Lyla admitted as she saw his gaze

"As you said, trust isn't a reliable thing these days"Y/N replied sternly"Hydra, the Triskelion, it's going"

"He's right Lyla"Diggle agreed after a few moments of thinking

Lyla looked around at the occupants of the room, seeing their faces of agreement to Y/N

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