Chapter 9: When you two clash

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I gleefully looked up from my desktop computer where I was surfing the net for new job openings in L.A at the sound of some sort of glass shattering. I looked around my office space to find three other people peering over their desktops from their desks, bewildered at the sound coming from their boss's office.

Or my boss's office. Technically.

Specifically, from the skunk's office better known as Aiden Salvatore.

Ahhh...sweet victory. Finally.

I bent in my chair to retrieve the hamper I had carefully concealed underneath the desk from the prying gazes of my fellow employees and my employer when he had walked in 20 minutes ago.

Carefully I unpacked it, taking extra care to not break the champagne flutes which I had loaned from the Wesleys. 

"Mimosas anyone?", I asked my coworkers who had their jaws hanging open.

I am guessing Aiden is usually professional and aloof and all the people working here are the same way and I must have come as a major shock to them. So, I dismissed their silence.

"Oh well..more for me!!!", I announced giddily. 

Ahh I can see why Aiden bitch is addicted to vengeance, it is in fact very very sweet and mmhmm these mimosas are so tasty too and yes!

I picked up a bunch of grapes from the basket and put my legs on the desk itself, crossing them as I leaned back in the chair, a flute of mimosa in one hand, the bunch of grapes in other.

I even pulled out my phone and set it on my desk as Demi Lovato's Sorry not Sorry blasted through its speakers.

Ah. Perfection.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Fiv-


I almost cackled evilly when the door to Aiden's office burst open and an enraged man beelined towards me, not even sparing the others a single glance as he took in the state  I was in.

I grinned wickedly as I took in his disheveled appearance, his hair sticking up in various directions as if he had spent hours instead of minutes running his hand through his hair, his shirt sleeves one rolled and one just hanging away loosely, his jacket discarded, a button missing from his shirt as if  he was just in some sort of hellish brawl.

This made him more infuriated and he scowled at me so fiercely, I was worried his eyebrows might fall off.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Sweet satisfaction simmered underneath my skin and I resisted the urge to purr in euphoria.

Howwdaya  like this now, bitch.

"You-", he seethed as he stepped towards me, wagging his finger at me.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk", I said in disapproval , "didn't you parents teach  you that it's rude to point fingers at people?"

"Do you think this is a joke, you foolish shrew!"

"Yep, totally. Good to know you have a sense of humor, boorish oaf!", I chirped happily. My coworkers gasped at my impertinence and slightly cowered behind their monitors. As I learnt later, they had never seen the cold and calculating Aiden Salvatore fly off the handle before.

"Yo- yo-yo-you!!!!", I watched intrigued as he trembled in rage, trying to regain a resemblance of control.

The Fixer had done his part perfectly. There wasn't even a wisp of the news Aiden had wanted published in the newspapers. Instead , there was a large photo of Aiden published in the newspaper, almost nude, only the bits strategically covered. The headline read -

Oops!!!!! I slapped...........Mr. Billionaire???Where stories live. Discover now