Kira Barton

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A spring filled breeze was blowing gently through my apartment window. It grazed its presence across the stacks of paper I had piled upon my light wooden desk. Luckily, I had been smart enough to place my empty, pink mug that was once filled with tea, on top of them to prevent them moving from their structured, alphabetical order.

The wind also danced upon my skin making a chill run down my spine and my baby hairs blow against my forehead. I placed my pen down for the first time in two hours and allowed myself to push back my hair that was slowly slipping out my low ponytail and relax my hand that had cramped so badly it had become numb.

Well, now that I was distracted I decided it would be a good time to take a break. I let out a light groan as I stretched my limbs out from their frozen place behind my desk in my matching light, wooden chair. Then I slipped my small feet into my panda slippers and jumped up, now full of energy after being sat still for all those hours.

I was mentally exhausted but my body was full on steam. I made my way over to the kitchen to grab myself a snack. I decided to make a bagel with avocado and finally looked over my phone to see if I had any messages or updates.

Nothing was really there. This was going to sound so sad but I didn't have many friends. It didn't bother me though, when I was at school I was so focused on my studies I barely had time for a social life. It payed off though. I graduated college with my medical degree at the age of 23. I was a very bright kid and skipped a few grades in middle school, which ended up with me then finishing high school early and graduating nearly five years early too.

My family were so proud of me, they were everything to me. I was a big family girl. My parents meant the world to me and my brother Clint was my best friend. He was so supportive and protective over me. He was the first person cheering me on at my first ever school sports day, he calmed me down every time I had a panic attack, he cuddled me to sleep when I didn't want to be alone, he was on the first row when I graduated college and he even drove me to my first day of work as if I was still a baby.

I didn't get to see him as much as I used too but it was neither of our faults. As soon as I graduated I went straight into working. I had travelled all over the world with my work. I had done some service in the military, being a specialised doctor in Europe, I had been all over America and Canada but my home had always been New York. I was currently working at New York's Presbyterian Hospital as a cardiothoracic surgeon. I had decided to specialise after my first year of college finding this area my best.

I found the area of work severely interesting as well and with my passion to help people I was easily motivated. Ever since I was a young girl everyone always told me I had a heart of gold. But it was my fault at the same time, sometimes I was too nice. Even since a child I knew I wanted to help people, it was like my super power. I understood the human body like the back of my hand and could solve any problem almost instantly. I had even thought about taking an engineering top up degree as I really want to advance my studies and learn how to make structures and designs to save people.

A couple of years ago I heard about Tony Stark and his story. No, I don't mean his rise to fame as Iron Man although that was severely impressive. If anything I was mostly interested with his arc and what properties it had. He had saved his own life, in a cave, while kidnapped, under pressure and alone. I couldn't even imagine what that must have been like. I admired him, not that he knew who I was or that he ever would. Anyway, some people say that he's rude but that was another one of my superpowers. I had the power to make even the coldest of hearts, melt in the palm of my hand. It drove Clint crazy, I could make anyone warm up to me.

As I finished my small snack I decided to pack away my work and settle in to watch telly that night. I lived alone in a big apartment complex in New York. It was spacious but cosy as I made it my own. However, I do get lonely sometimes. Even though I am shy and enjoy my own personal time, I was a people person and loved having people over as I was secretly needy and always seeking comfort.

As I sat on my white cloud couch, I took my sleek brown hair out of its ponytail, if you could even call it that anymore. I ruffled my hair up, pulling my robe tighter around me for warmth as the sun was setting now. I hadn't gotten changed out of my pyjamas all day. I mean why should I? I wasn't working. Sometimes I feel like I have no other clothes other than my scrubs and pjs.

I turned on my Tv and Friends came up making me settle in closer and watch the show. My mind was a little distracted though so I decided to turn it down a little and call my brother. I let it ring and he finally answered on the last ring.

"Clint!" I cheered into the phone.
"Hey K, how are you?" He asked me.
"I'm ok, had a pretty chilled day today how are you?" I smile into my phone.
"A little stressed not gonna lie sis but just missions and planning."

My brother was apart of a government agency. He was one of the top agents of SHIELD. He had been recruited the year I graduated as he was seeked out from a young age to be a top contender and fighter. He took up archery classes as a child and when people realised just how good he was, he was on the radar. He hadn't missed a shot since he was twelve. Impressive.

"Just remember to take care of yourself ok Clint? When can I see you again?" I ask biting my lip, my nerves showing.
"I'll be fine Kit Kat, don't worry about me and...I don't know. Works pretty heavy at the minute. Whenever I get time off I'll come and visit." He replied.
"Ok. Well I'll let you go, I just wanted to check in on you." I say putting on a smile.
"Ok Kit Kat, I'll talk to you soon. Bye."
"Bye." I sighed as he hung up.

I brought my phone to my chest and sighed out again. I was worried when Clint had time off I wouldn't, as I tended to be on call and I couldn't just take time off or quit on short notice. I had been switching between the adult ward and being a paediatric doctor at the same time.

Calling it a night at nine, I turned my Tv off before shutting my apartment windows and locking the door. I made my way back to my bedroom and sat up for a little while longer with my book. After 30 minutes I got bored and seeing I had nothing better to do, I flicked my lamp off and turned over in my double bed wishing someone was next to me.

I love my job but it made it hard to find friends and maybe something more. I was lonely, I had to admit but I still fell asleep with a smile on my face, making up a dream fantasy to fall asleep in.

Author's Note: Just want to say hi to you all again! I'm back and writing my next marvel fan fiction. As a lot of you can properly guess I update my stories once I have finished a whole movie section. So updates may be slow but when I do update there will always be a large chunk of chapters to read! I hope you all enjoy this new story, I'm already having so much fun writing it and coming up with ideas. I just wanted to let you all know that mrsobiwankenobi actually gave me the original idea to create this book so if you could give them a follow too that would be amazing! I love seeing your inputs and comments and I also love reading messages that you guys send me with ideas or questions. Thank you all so much for all the reads, follows and votes. I appreciate every single one of you Xx

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