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I let out a deep breath as I closed my apartment front door and leaned against it. I was exhausted. I had been in theatre all day. From 8am to 5pm and all were really bad or emergency cases. It was not pretty.

I sigh as I place my bag down and immediately take my lab coat off before pulling my hair out of its bun.
I would love a bath right now, it's practically calling my name. Just as I was about to make my way into my bedroom, a knock sounded at my door.

I could have groaned, if this was one of my neighbours again I may just have to hand in my lease to the landlord. I had such weird neighbours. The only one I liked was an elderly lady named Rose who would always offer to bake for me. She was truly lovely.

I was also confused, as I was not expecting anyone. I made my way back over and unlocked the door. In front of me stood a very tall man, all clad in black leather. He looked serious and stern. He had an earpiece in and an eye patch around his left eye. His presence did scare me a bit, as he looked very threatening. I took a small step back but put a smile on my face wanting to look welcoming.

"Hi, can I help you?" I ask nicely.
"Miss Barton, my name is Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD. Can I come in?"

My breath hitched.
I had heard of this man before. My brother worked for him.
This wouldn't be about Clint would it?

"Y-Yes, of course. Come in." I spoke quickly as I widened my door for him to step in.

He gladly did and walked straight into my living room, gazing all around my apartment as he stepped forward. I joined him in there after closing the door behind him and couldn't help but fiddle with my burgundy scrubs.

"Would you like a drink at all? A cup of coffee, tea, water? Maybe?" I ask nervously.
"I'm quite alright thank you Miss Barton, let's just take a seat." He says and I nod pointing to the couch, allowing him to make himself comfortable.

He sat at one end, while I sat at the other of my cloud couch, completely facing him, ready to hear what he had to say.
"This-Is this about Clint? He's not hurt is he?" I ask tentatively.
"No Miss Barton, your brother is fine. I actually came here to talk to you." Fury spoke as he shook his head.

I was completely shocked now. Why would the director of SHIELD want to talk to me?
"Oh." Was all I could mumble out.
"Miss Barton your efforts and studies have been picked up by my company. We noticed just how talented you and your brother were. Ever since Barton joined SHIELD we asked him to also, ask you to join but he refused." Fury told me.

"Yeah, he's quite overprotective." I nod along.
"You're telling me. We appreciated his concerns and wanting to keep you safe and off grid however, the time has come when we need your talent and skills Miss Barton. There is a bigger threat to this world now and we need to be sure that we have the correct people with the right qualifications looking after our team. You are one of those people we need Miss Barton. My big plan is to bring together a group of people with remarkable talents, all in different fields. One of those is your brother and I was hoping you would join them."

I was completely and utterly shocked.
Me. SHIELD wanted me.

"Mr Fury sir, as much as I appreciate this offer, I'm nothing special. Sure I now my medical terms and am great with first aid but I'm nothing like my brother." I tell the man honestly.

I was extremely grateful for the offer but I didn't want to stand out amongst the crowd and look like an idiot.
"Miss Barton as much as I appreciate your concerns, SHIELD have been watching you for a very long time. The way your brain works is incredible. You can come up with a solution to a problem before you've even seen the whole problem. We need someone planning our missions like that. You may just be qualified as a doctor in your eyes Miss Barton but we at SHIELD see you as more than that."

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