Stark Party

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Walking downstairs, the party was in full swing. Music was playing softly in the background while the chatter of groups of people filled the room and lights dimly lit up the tower. I held onto the railing of the stairs in fear I would trip up in my heals.
Last time, I fell down a flight of stairs, I think I scared Steve half to death and he insisted on carrying me to the hospital.

The metal felt cool against my palm and as I walked, I watched my steps but once I was fully down I gazed around the room in search for familiar faces. I could see the Avengers dotted around the room.

Bruce ducking under poorly designed, low hanging lights and trying to avoid human contact where possible. Sam and Steve having a conversation. Thor and Tony having a heated conversation while Maria and Rhodey looked on. It was a sight to be seen. I noticed some other faces but not many. A lot of these people worked for Tony and I didn't know that many. The room stunk of wealth. Diamonds dripping everywhere and $100 bills in back pockets, I grew up in a Farmhouse in the country, it still feels unreal to me how I ended up here.

My eyes jump around the room until I spot a small figure. Much smaller than the rest, leaning against the pool table, eyes wide with interest. A smile dances upon my lips and I make my way down towards him. He still doesn't notice me as I creep behind him. Harley always focuses on just one thing, it's like he isn't capable of being aware of his surroundings.

In one quick movement I wrap my arms around him and tickle his sides while kissing his cheek. He squeals with excitement.
"MUM! Stop." He giggled.
I quickly let go and he turns around to face me.
"Mum don't embar-wow, mum you look beautiful." He spoke wide-eyed.

"Thank you Harley. Having fun?" I smile.
"Yes! So much fun, can we have a party like this every week?" He asks.
"Don't ask your dad that because he will be all for it. You want a drink?"
"I'm eleven." Harley reminds me as if I'm stupid.

"I was thinking more along the lines of apple juice."
"Oh, yes please." He smiles before turning away and watching the game of pool again.

I smile fondly before making my way to the bar where I see Steve and Thor talking to an elderly man and a group of his veteran friends. He looks oddly familiar...

"I gotta have some of that!" I hear the old man say.

"Oh, no, no, no. See this, this was aged for a thousand years, in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet, it was not meant for mortal men." Thor grins as he speaks his story before pouring the drink into two glasses and handing one to Steve.

I smile over at the pair and they return it once noticing me. I order Harley a glass of apple juice at the bar while I get myself a raspberry mojito. I do love cocktails.

"Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie. Stop trying to scare us. Come on." The veteran argued.

"Alright." Thor agrees and pours some of the drink into the elderly's glasses.
"I think you may regret doing that." I speak up at the side of the two boys.

"I have a feeling he may as well." Steve agrees as Thor makes a face of disagreement and takes a swig of his drink.
"Nice?" I ask Steve.
"Yeah actually. I haven't felt a drink like this since the 20th century."
"Oof, you sure you don't want to join in with the guys sat at the bar? Talk about old times and how sore your backs are getting?"' I tease the super soldier to which he pinches my side making us laugh together.

"How are you doing though Kira, after our mission? May I say you look beautiful tonight as well." Steve compliments.
"Thank you Steve and I'm well thank you. I must admit it felt nice helping you. Not all the fighting but the feeling I got when we won, it made me feel happy, content." I admit.

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