The Escape House

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I didn't sleep but when we arrived at our destination, I knew exactly where I was before the Quinjet's door fully opened.

The sound of birds song whistled in my ears. Something I haven't heard in a long time whilst living in the city. The air just felt different here. The sun was shining and I appreciated its warmth radiating off my dark coloured suit. Normally it would bring a bright smile to my face and a warm feeling in my chest. This time, I just felt empty.

My worries had disappeared for a while and I lead the group up the familiar country paths into my brother's home that I could walk around in my sleep.

"What is this place?" Thor asks.
"Safe house." Tony answered but I smirked knowing they were all in for a surprise.
"Let's hope." Clint smiles.

"Honey? I'm home." Clint calls as we walk into his living room. It was open planned and had wooden furniture hand-painted, mostly by my brother who was the typical adult male starting projects and hardly finishing them.
Laura walked into the room as pregnant as ever. She had grown massively since I had last seen her but she was in her last trimester so it was to be expected. I had been helping her throughout although midwifery was not my strong suit.

She was surprised to say the least when all of the Avengers were stood in her home.
"Hi. Company, sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint smiles, happy to see his wife. I finally smiled once seeing my sister in law. I missed her. She was like a big sister I never had.
"Hey." She whispers, giving him a light kiss before greeting us all with a smile.
"This is an agent of some kind." Tony starts making me roll my eyes and hold his hand.
"Gentlemen, this is Laura." Clint introduces the boys.
"Rude. Your brother thinks your a man." Tony whispered making me pinch his side.
"She's my sister in law. I know her." I tease back.
"Still can't believe that means I'm slightly related to Barton." He fake gags making me roll my eyes again.

"I know all your names." Laura smiled and waved over.
I heard running and my smile brightened but screams of my son started to echo in my mind making it falter slightly.
"Oo, incoming." Clint chuckles.

"Hi sweetheart! Hi buddy! How you guys doing?" Clint greeted his kids and hugged them tightly.
"These are smaller agents." Tony tried to reason but the boys were shocked to say the least.

"Did you bring Aunty Nat and Kira?" Lilah asks.
"Why don't you hug us and find out?" Nat says and Lilah latches onto her while Cooper tightly embraces me. I lift my arms up slightly and wince but bless Cooper doesn't notice. Tony looks onwards sadly so my eyes wonder to my brother who holds the same expression. Steve holds nothing but encouragement and I hold his gaze as I slowly wrap my arms around Cooper. I smile once I realise he's ok.

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve courteously says.
"Yeah, we would of called ahead but we were busy having no idea you existed." Tony remarks, giving me a pointed look we were talking later.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figured it was a good place to lay low." Clint told the others.

"Honey, I missed you." Laura brings me in for a cuddle which I gladly return.
"How's little Natasha?" Nat asks sliding in.
"She's...Nathanial." Laura cringed making me laugh.
"Traitor." Nat whispers to her belly.

Thor soon walks out and I silently ask Steve to follow him but then Steve doesn't return for a while and Thor neither. I leave them too it, knowing they need time. Just like I did. I'd talk to them later.

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