Mummy's home

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I got upstairs and managed to clean up a little more until I heard the light ding of the elevator alert me that the bright hardwood doors would open any second.

As they did, I could already hear Happy's groans as Harley was talking his ears off happily about something he had learnt at school, he had obviously taken a great interest too.

I smiled brightly and waited for him to recognise me. He just continued to talk about chemistry as he dropped his bag on the floor and plopped on the white leather couch.

Happy smirked knowingly as he saw me first.

"Yeah and did you know Happy that there are still more elements to discover, like the ones on the periodic table aren't the be all and end all?" Harley gasped in excitement.

As he finished his sentence I creeped up behind him and placed my cool hands over his eyes making him yelp and reach up to grab mine. As he did he slowed his movements and ran his hands along my fingers, studying them. Making sure he was correct in assuming I was here.

"Guess who?" I whispered in his ear.

"Mum!" He yelled as he stood from the couch and leaped over the giant structure to jump into my arms.

I held the young boy close to my chest but he was getting heavier and heavier each day as he was growing into a young boy and had some serious muscle from all the lifting he does in his lab.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled into my neck.
"I missed you to Harls." I smile as I stroked through his hair.

Happy smiled at me from over Harley's shoulder and I returned one. He soon left, almost skipping in delight at the thought of not having to babysit again for a while.

"Is dad home too?" Harley asks pulling away from me.
"Yes he is. He's quite busy with Bruce in the lab right now but you can join them later ok? How about you and I go out for dinner and we can catch up on lost time then tonight you can help Tony in the lab and catch up with him, how does that sound?" I offered.

"It sounds brilliant! I'll grab my shoes, can we go for pizza?" Harley shouts in excitement.

"Of course we can. We going to Uncle Totto's down the road?" I ask already knowing the answer as that's Harley's favourite restaurant and the owner always spoils him with extra ice cream for dessert.

"Of course!" Harley replies as he grabs my hand quickly and pulls me back into the elevator. I chuckle at his pure joy and we make our way down the road for some dinner.

After dinner, we were both stuffed and while Harley practically ran down to the labs I decided to freshen up a bit and clean around. Harley was a great kid and always helped out and did his chores but sometimes when he gets really excited he tends to leave things around but I don't mind and happily pick them up and put them where they should be. I smile fondly running my hand across the picture of Tony, Harley and I thats framed on Harley's bed side.

It was a couple months after we adopted him, we took him to Disney for the week and the picture is him on Tony's shoulders while we all laugh and smile at the camera.

Those were my favourite moments.

A couple hours later I make my own way to the lab to see it absolutely full of screens, blueprints, calculations and papers. The boys had already gone to town on this Ultron project. Harley was deep in paperwork while Bruce and Tony studied the screens of information. I looked around briefly and realised we weren't even close to an analysis yet. I sigh quietly as I put on a smile and walk closer.

"You boys hard at work?" I call.

They all turn to look at me and smile.
"You alright Kira?" Bruce asks me kindly.
"I'm fine thanks Bruce are you?" I return as I lean into Tony's chest as he cuddles me from the side.

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