Testing the waters

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A day later, after I had been all checked out and aided back to health I got to home for Christmas. Well to Clint's house.

I still needed to talk to Nick Fury and the council about my situation because although Bruce, Tony and I were hard at work trying to define what had happened to me, I had it under control for now with the help of suppressors.

Once Nick knew Tony and I were alive he did me a favour and informed Clint. I don't think I would have been able to do it myself, not only was I emotionally drained but t he entire time I was away all I could think about in the back of my mind was Clint. If it was the other way around and I was in his shoes I couldn't imagine the feeling.

I arrived at the farmhouse a little bit earlier than expected, being dropped off by a jet and made my way to front door.

I took a deep breath and pulled my sweater further down my arms before knocking on the door. I heard Clint before I saw him, his heavy footsteps echoed around the house and soon the door flew open and I was crushed into his arms.

He cradled my head and squeezed me tightly. I tried to hug him back but he practically glued my hands to my sides.
"Hey bro." I greet in a jokey tone wanting to lighten up the mood but Clint wasn't in the mood for jokes.

I felt his tears coat my neck and that's when I fought my arms out his grip and wrapped them around his neck to pull him closer.

"You asshole. I thought you died." He cried making me give off a light laugh as I pull back.
"I wouldn't relive you of me that early." I smirk making him shake his head and smile.

I wipe away his tears and pull him into me again.
"I love you so much Kira." He mumbled making my chest feel warm.
"I love you too big bro."

He soon welcomed me back into his home and Laura too pulled me into a big hug. I loved Laura so much. She was so worried about me but I assured her I was ok. Then, I got to see Cooper and Lila again. God kids grow so fast.

It was a peaceful Christmas after the week I had endured and I stayed with Clint as long as I possibly could until it was time to meet with SHIELD. If anything I felt like hiding out in the country forever but that wasn't meant to be. Especially with my powers.

Clint took me back to Washington DC where Tony, Steve and Nat would be. Bruce was still in New York doing some more tests on my DNA to see how I've changed.

"Barton Mark 2." Fury greeted me off the plane making me groan.
"Really? How many times, I'm a doctor." I remind him.
"And how many times do I have to tell you, I don't give a shit." He replied making me bump my shoulder with his.

"So what's going to happen?" I ask him as we walk into base.
"I need you to showcase your powers to me, I'll record them have them sent off to the council. We'll get Banner to send over your results and put them into play. There's no need to be worried Barton it's just precautions. We need to ensure you won't be a threat and that you have them under control to some degree until we can get you properly trained up." Nick told me and I nodded in agreement.

I was nervous. I mean I've never really used my powers so I don't know how this is going to go.

We walk into a training room and I see Nat, Steve and Tony all there.
"Kira!" Nat exclaimed and bounded over to me to encase me in a hug.
"Hi Nat." I smiled.
"How are you?" She asked pulling away.
"A little nervous I can't lie." I admitted.

"Don't worry, nothings going to happen to you. I promise." She said as she stroked through my hair making me smile.
Like the older sister I never had.

Next, Steve came over and hugged me too.
"Nice to see you again Kira." He smiled.
"You too Steve." I reply.

"This here is a highly secure locked room. Made out of almost indestructible materials that would take more than two Hulk's to break through. We also have precautionary elements installed incase anything were to go wrong. We'll ask you to step in Doctor Barton and showcase everything you can and then after we will discuss what happens." Nick informed me as he pointed to a small boxed off room in the one we were currently standing in. It was like a training room on steroids. I couldn't help but gulp down the acid lingering in my throat.

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