Fire Control

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Kira's POV:

Pain was all I could feel when I started to come too again. I've passed out like five times already. I have quite a high pain tolerance but this was like nothing I had ever felt before.

It was like the worst sickness and injuries all together at once. My body felt like it was on fire and constantly burning me to death. My head pounded so much I couldn't think, see or hear straight. I tried to keep it together but it hurt so much.

I finally fluttered my eyes open and gasped out, dying for some oxygen. My lungs were being squeezed and it hurt every time to breath.

I was still strapped to my bed, upright and attached to fluids, as well as the fluid that gave me these powers.
God I felt awful, especially when seeing Killian directly in my eyeliner.

"Hi." He smiled at me making me fight back an eye roll as I grit my teeth together in pain.

"You think he's gonna help you? He won't. Neither will I." I groan out, referring to Tony.

"Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark. It's, um... Well, it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my, um..."

"Trophy." I offer as I cut him off.

Well, this guy had a crush on me and I felt very self conscious right now with only being in a sports bra and leggings.

"Mmm." He chuckles and then suddenly the Iron Patriot suit walks in, making me gasp.

Could this be Rhodey? Maybe Tony wasn't too far behind!

"Good evening, sir." Killian greets and the armor opens and the President falls out.

Are you kidding me? What have they done to Rhodey?

"Welcome aboard, Mr President." Killian smirks and they walk off making me struggle against my restraints but it was no use. I was in so much pain I would never be able to break out by myself.

15 minutes go by and I fade in and out of consciousness. I heard Killian's statistic that only less than half of the people they test on actually survive this experiment. No, I try to look at it from my science side. Pain is 60% mental. I had to keep thinking that, my body can endure a lot more than I think it can. I was also extremely healthy and fit prior to this but that's not always everything. I had to be strong. Breath. Kira breath. I've been telling Tony to do it all week long so I may as well take my own advice.

I suddenly hear commotion from outside. Gunshots ring out and shouting can be heard. It all seems a little distant but people in the lab start to panic slightly making me smile lightly. It was them. They were coming.

Things start to get more heated from what I can hear. Mini explosions and screams start to get louder and more frequent. Just hold on Kira. A little longer.

Suddenly, one of the explosions falls into the lab sending me flying. I groan upon impact with the floor and feel more things start to fall and pile up around me. I let my eyes close and rest my head.

Seconds later I feel things start to move again and the familiar sound of Iron gears. I gasp out again and open my eyes to be met with one of Tony's suits.

"Stop! Put it down. Put it down. Put it down." I cry out and he does so making me sigh and collapse again. My body was beginning to get too heavy for me to even lift up.

The suit kneels down to see me better and I look straight at it.

"See what happens when you hang out with me and we go after one of my ex-girlfriends?" He asks lifting his mask up to reveal Tony himself making me let out a faint smile.

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