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"Huh?" Jina asked softly.

"I asked if everything is ok. You seem to be murmuring about Barbie's and dolls?" He replied with a concerned yet 'this girl is so weird' look.

Jina laughed softly, "Ya sorry. Coffee kinda makes me weird."

"Oh I can relate 100% to that surely" , Jaemin said softly turning his head towards his computer then the professor.


"Okay students your first test of the semester for this course will be conducted on Thursday.
I am sure you all know how important this compulsory course is. As the new generation is all technology and digitalization, computer science is vital. Come prepared." The professor said to which the kids replied with 'yes professor' and 'ugh!'

Jina entered her psychology class and looked at the at the board students were gathered around. 

She checked it out and took her seat with a blank face. 

She looked at the door waiting for her partner to walk in. After losing patience and waiting Jin-a immersed herself into her computer science textbook preparing for the test. 


"Oh hi." Jin-a said shocked as she zoned out of her textbook.

"Preparing for the test huh?"

"Yup the CSI professor already hates me shouldn't give her another reason......yet." She said mysteriously as her partner opened his CSI textbook as well while laughing lightly at her comment.  

they both studied but couldn't concentrate as they had a craving to glance at one another and got flustered repeatedly. 

the psychology professor entered the class and distributed a questionnaire the students had to ask their partners to understand each other better. 

"So Jisung question 1 WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE?" Jin-a asked actually curious.

"Umm 'Do your best now, your future self will thank you'. " 

"Ohhh cool. that is why you take you take your studies quite seriously." Jina connected the dots. 

"you philosophy I am guessing is 'you only live once'?" Jisung guessed knowing he was correct.

"Yup" ' Jina smiled as both of them wrote the answers in the sheet. 


Jisung continued, "My answer would be that I don't speak up for myself."

"Can I know why you think that?" Jin-a asked little concerned. 

"umm I am not sure I am comfortable answering that." Jisung replied coyly.

"oh ok no problem. But see you just spoke up for yourself by saying that you are uncomfortable with answering. That is great progress. " Jin-a said smiled ear to ear as Jisung looked at her and smiled as well.

"Thank you."

"Well my answer would be that I can be very impatient so I would change that."


"I am surely spiritual." Jin-a answered confidently.

"I honesty don't know. Probably religious." Jisung answered confused. 

Jin- slightly laughed at his confused face as she read the next question" 5 ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT?"

"Lol we both know the answers for that." Jina said giggling as she and Jisung both wrote the answers on theirs sheet. 

Jisung read out, " question 5 WHICH PARENT ARE YOU CLOSER TO AND WHY?"

Both of their faces froze with fear as the last two words 'AND WHY' left Jisung's lips.

you only live once//park jisungWhere stories live. Discover now