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"I always thought you were cool, Please tell me how did it feel to skip college for the first time?" Jin-a asked joking clearly offending Jisung.

"Stop it." He said brushing his hand through his head.

"Dad will kill me, i have always gotten perfect attendance till date. But you know fuck him."

Just when I thought he could not be any cooler.

"I knew my effect would wear out on you Jisung. Now lets go inform everyone you are safe"

"Ughh fine." 


"Don't you dare do something like this again, I was worried sick!"

"Depends on your husband. if he abuses me again i will run away."

Mrs. Park refrained from saying anything knowing Jisung was pissed off. 

"Anyways I don't have time for this, I have to study the exams are starting in a few days." Jisung left even before his father could say anything to him.

He started studying directly and didn't open his room door no matter how mush his parents and sister begged.  

Jina already told him about her plan and jisung and all the friends agreed. they had to prove Mr. Park about how ambitious Jisung was about dancing and what a dick he was to not let Jisung follow his dream.

For that the first step was to get a perfect score on his premed, psychology and CSI exams.

He was gonna fuck those exams up he promised himself. He had to remove the stupid mentality of people that only dumb people should dance and sing. Even smart people can choose to dance and sing as well as people not that good in studying can do a academic career. if your not talented it is okay, All you need is AMBITION, PASSION AND COMMITMENT AND OF COURSE LOVE FOR WHAT YOU DO. fuck the society. You only live once, do whatever you want and pay for it. 

you only live once//park jisungWhere stories live. Discover now