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Jina tiptoed and creeped out of her house

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Jina tiptoed and creeped out of her house. She had a good house but she wasn't very rich...she was like upper middle class so she didnt a big fancy bungalow or anything and luckily no security guards.

If she did she couldn't just walk out of the house to visit her sister's grave whenever she felt down. 

She wanted to take some flowers with her but the flower shop she usually visits closes by 10 pm.

She cemetery was quite far but luckily Jin-a had her phone and earphones with her. She never understood how people could go for a walk alone without music...like don't they get bored.


She sat comfortably infront of her sisters grave which read :

'A beautiful soul ; Park Jih-yo ; Beloved daughter, sister, granddaughter, friend and student'

"What idiot parents write beloved 'student' on their daughters grave." Jin-a thought and scoffed.

"Hey unnie. I am here...again. How I wish could just enter your room right now and have a good talk with you while eating ice-cream and then hugging you and going to sleep. But I cant hug you or eat ice-cream cause of how worried i am about my figure and staying slim." tears rolling down her eyes.

Jina continued blabbering about her problem and asked questions to the piece of stone in front of her which was more precious to her then her own existence. 

She stood up rubbing the tears of her face as she stared at the precious stone and waved goodbye but before leaving she said her final words 

'I will finish the to-do list and make you proud unnie, don't you worry'

She started walking on the isolated and lonely roads. The only light her eye could spot that wasn't one of the street lights was the light which shown outside the dance studio. She wondered who was dancing so late at night...she visits her sisters grave often and would frequently notice the light on. She was about to turn and bring her attention back to her phone to play a song but something captured her attention.

It was a figure entering the studio in all black clothes, the radiant light at the entrance shone on him as a halo and highlighted his black hair with blonde highlights and fair yet rosy red complexion. 

Jisung's pov

I finished filling in the details in the studio register as I turned around only to noticea girl standing under the bright yellow street light. She stood there starring at me as I starred back at at her. She looked as if she had cried recently, just like me. Her figure came closer to mine as she rubbed the tears of her face to be able to see clearly. 

I just stood there numb as I was never used to seeing anyone at this time on the roads except drunk gangs of friends. 

She approached me as she softly said, "Jisung?"

Jina's pov

I knew he looked familiar. I wondered what was the reason behind his tears. 

"Hey Jina" he said softly turning his face so that she doesn't notice his tears but it was too late.

"Are you ok? You seen to have cried recently..."Jin-a asked.

"I could ask you the same..." Jisung replied not answering her question directly.

He continued when Jina only replied with a ,"hmm."  

"Why are you in this middle class family locality? I thought you said you were rich..." Jisung said making jin-a chuckle.  

"I don't live here plus I am not that rich. I was just umm...visiting the ce-cemetery " she said but they quickly shut up because she didnt wanna talk more about it. 

Jisung was about to say something but Jina cut him off. "Why are you here?" she quickly asked

"I come here to dance when I am having a bad time and want to cool down."

"Ahh you are a great dancer."

"thanks. wanna come in?"

"sure" Jina replied as Jisung took the special key he had and opened the lock.

"Woah that is cool. " Jin-a commented at Jisung having a secret key.


"Ok  J-Jisung I am tired. stop stop stop please." Jin-a begged as she sat on the floor after practicing the dance routine there professor taught about 15 times.
Can't we do kpop randon dance instead. That is so fun"

"Ughh fine. I will start the projector"

"Great but give me like a 4 hour break first." Jina said making Jisung laugh.

"how about I get us a energy drink from the medical store near by? its the only store in this locality open at this hour." Jisung suggested.

"I will come along with you."

"You don't have to Jin-a"

"Wait so you are going to leave a damn attractive girl alone at midnight in an empty studio?
Don't you know what will happen? Don't you care about me?"

Jina acted faking a cry making Jisung chuckle.

"You should have taken theatre as a major instead." He commented as Jin-a got up and tidied herself.

"I know. I am a full on DRAMAQUEEN." She replied as they walked out the studio through the back door while making sure all was locked. 


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