Chapter 12: Sports Festival Part 3

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Characters talking

Characters thinking

Allmight talking or characters talking in a deep/serious voice




Narrators POV

As the matches continue Todoroki walks up to Hana

Todoroki: could we talk for a bit... in private...

Hana: o-oh s-sure!

They both go into the halls of the stadium as they both lean against the walls opposite of each other

Hana: s-so what did y-you want to talk a-about?

Todoroki: I've been noticing some things...

Hana: l-like what?

Todoroki: you and Allmight have quite the relationship, and you both have almost the same powers basically

Hana: w-what are you getting at?

Todoroki: are you his secret love child????

Hana: huh....? Huh!?!?

Todoroki: it would make sense, if you're the number 1 hero's daughter, you would have to be protected so-

Hana: but I'm not his daughter!

Todoroki: sure you aren't, but either way I will defeat you...

Hana: jeez, why do you have a obsession with defeating me...

He gives her a glance

Todoroki: have you ever heard of quirk marriages?

Hana: uh I think so...

Todoroki: then I'll explain why I want to defeat you...

He starts to talk about his life, explaining about his fathers crazy idea of creating the perfect child with both ice and fire powers, than explaining about his harsh training/abuse, and finally how his mother snapped and poured out water on his left eye

Hana: is this why you don't use your left side...

Todoroki: yes, and this is why I must defeat you only using my right side!

Hana: but Todoroki-

Todoroki: this conversation has ended...

He than walks away, as he passes by someone on his way who was listening on them

Todoroki: so you heard...

Doom Slayer: yes I did, I was looking for my sis and I happen to stumbled upon your little conversation...

Todoroki: well that doesn't matter, I'll defeat your sister...

He starts to walk away, but they give each other one more glance than they go their separate paths

-time skip-

It's finally time for Hana's match against Todoroki

Mic: may Hana Aizawa and Shoto Todoroki come down to the arena!!!!

Hana walks down the halls, but she sees Endeavor leaning against the wall

Endeavor: so you'll be fighting my Shoto, it's quite impressive, your ability to power yourself up...

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