Chapter 17: Demonic Exam Part 1

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Characters talking

Characters thinking

Allmight talking or characters talking in a deep/serious voice




Narrators POV

As the gates opened, red portals started to open up as demons flooded ground beta

Kaminari: I just wanna go home!

Bakugo: well we better beat these demons up!

Class 1-A rushes into the city dodging the masses of demons

Hana: we should probably get to a building and avoid the demons!

Everyone agrees and run to a nearby building, but Hana has a weird feeling kinda like a pain in her head

Hana: what is this pain?

She turns around and sees a tyrant charging at them

Hana: everyone get out the way!

She charges up her body up to around 25%, slightly hurting her body and jumps into the air punching the tyrant in the face, knocking it back slightly

Bakugo: die!

Bakugo explodes up to the tyrant and explodes it in the face knocking it back even more while damaging it

Bakugo: damn bastard! DIIIIEEEE!

He keeps throwing explosions at the tyrant until it knocks over into the ground, but it immediately starts to get back up

Hana: bakugo get back here! We need to retreat!

Bakugo: hell no!

He keeps exploding demons around him. As these demons flood the streets, Hana starts to have huge amounts of pain in her head, but it starts to become even more extremely painful when 2 more tyrants start to show up.

Hana: ah! What is these pain!? Either way I need to save Kacchan!

She rushes at bakugo and grabs him

Bakugo: let go of me!

Hana: no! You're going to die!

She tightly grabs him and rushes him back into the building class 1-a was temporarily hiding in

Bakugo: god dammit! Why did you-!

Hana bitch slaps bakugo

Hana: you were about to get yourself killed!

Bakugo: you damn bi-!

Todoroki walks up to bakugo and freezes his body including his mouth

Todoroki: that should shut you up...

Hana: thank you todoroki!

Todoroki: no problem...

Hana than faces the class

Hana: well we should figure out a plan! Any ideas?

Momo: well from what I'm assuming, that tower producing the red beam into the sky is what's creating the portals, so our priority should be to destroy the tower

Hana: yeah, but most of the demons are most likely going to be surrounding the area, especially the entrance...

Todoroki: maybe I could help distract them, while you make entry through the back...

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