Chapter 43: Death Of Allmight

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Characters talking

Characters thinking

Allmight talking or characters talking in a deep/serious voice




Narrators POV

Hana, despite it being basically night she walks into the newly built school. She needs to ask Allmight about something and that something is how she's been able to recently talk with her predecessors. Yeah I guess you could say that's crazy, but not as crazy as what she's about to witness.

She walks down the dark halls and with each step she takes the more she starts to notice something. It's quite. Too quite. She starts to feel a gloomy aura radiating from down the hall. The closer she gets the more potent it starts to become. She become hesitant until someone talks to her. A voice that of a female.

Nana: something's wrong...

Hana: h-huh what do you m-mean?

Another voice pops up in her head

Yoichi: Toshinori is Disappearing...

Hana's eyes widen and she starts to run. She rushes down the hall in a hurry. She doesn't know what's exactly is happening, but them saying All Might is disappearing. Well that's not exactly good in any way you see it. Hana keeps running and when she gets nears the end of the hall. She sees something wrong. Something that's unsettling.

Hana: S-Shigaraki...

What she sees is Shigaraki in a black suit with a red coat over his shoulder standing in the wreckage of the teachers office. Walls of the area is broken open. The roof and floor are severely cracked and it seems like it may fall apart, but the important part is he's holding someone. That person is Yagi Toshinori crumbling part. He has cracks all over his body as bits and pieces of himself fall off and disintegrate.

Toshinori: young... Ha-

Shigaraki crushes him in his grasp, exploding his body into dust having the wind blow his remains away. This scene brings tears to Hana. She just lost her mentor, a person she knew for part of her life. He was like an uncle to her. He was symbol of peace. She looked up to him, but now he's...






She starts to power up One For All to 45% without any regard for her body. Green lighting surrounds her making a crackling sound like thunder. With no care anymore, she recklessly sends out a spike from the ground towards Shigaraki. He activates a shield quirk to protect himself, stopping the earth spike. He raises his arm and sends out a burst of wind definitely destroying most of the UA building. Hana quickly dodges and rushes at Shigaraki. She sends out Black Whip at him trying to wrap around him. He quickly dodges with a speed enhancement quirk before using a lighting quirk. He shoots out blue lighting towards her like a beam. She uses Float to jump into the air. Danger Sense keeps ring inside her head constantly warning her of what danger is near. It bugs her, but she couldn't care less right now.

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