Chapter 23: Battle Of The Century Part 1

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Characters talking

Characters thinking

Allmight talking or characters talking in a deep/serious voice




Narrators POV

Hana slowly starts to wake up

Hana: huh...?

She tries to move her hands, but her whole body is chained up

Hana: where am I...

She looks up and sees the LOV and Bakugo also chained up besides her

Hana: where are we!

Shigaraki creepily smiles

Shigaraki: well it's quite simple, you're in my base of operations!

Hana: why do you have me here!

Shigaraki: well we didn't want you, but Mr. Compress just took you along for the ride, so it's a plus on our side! Either way we do have something to say to Bakugo Katsuki!

They turn to Bakugo who recently just woke up

Bakugo: the hell do you want, bastard!

Shigaraki: we want you to join the league of villains!

Bakugo: hell no! Fuck you!

Shigaraki: well it was worth a try, but now I guess it's time for you... TO DIE!

He swings his hands toward Bakugo's face as it almost touches him, but before that they hear a knock on the door

Shigaraki: huh? The hell?

They hear a voice behind the door

???: did someone order a pizza?

The LOV look at each other with confusion

Spinner: we didn't order a pizza-

All Might suddenly crashes through the whole wall

All Might: because I am here!

The LOV start to attack until they're suddenly wrapped in wood by Kamui Woods. Kurogiri is about to teleport them away until Edgeshot uses his quirk to make him pass out.

Shigaraki: damn it damn it damn it! This isn't how it was supposed to go!

All Might: now you're going to prison for a very long time!

Suddenly a grey substance starts to come out of the LOV's mouths, including Hana and Bakugo. All Might tries rushing to his students, but they they're sucked up and transported away.

All Might: NOOOO!

He turns around and jumps away towards where All For One is

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