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WHAT! How can that be the end of the flashback? We still didn't move in that spot in the street, I breath hard gasping for air

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WHAT! How can that be the end of the flashback? We still didn't move in that spot in the street, I breath hard gasping for air. "Shit, we like, need to leave, right now." As they start to argue Tam starts talking, "Didn't I tell you, I told you that was Glimmer, but no, you still wanted to go with her." I shake my head and turn back to him, "You don't understand, even if I knew it was her I still would have gone. Something about her just made me go--and no, she's not a mesmer or beguiler."

It was like part of me already trusted her, despite being my sworn enemy. We all just stand there a moment more before Fitz pulls out his pathfinder and everyone steps to him. I just stood there looking stupid though, I turn my head and out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw a head, but it turned away so fast--, "Sophie. Are you coming?"

"Coming." I checked back one more time, but no one was there so I must have imagined it, I walked back to the group. I take Fitz's hand and we vanish into thin air. Back at Havenfield, it takes me a couple of moments to regain my balance, and still I lean on Fitz. "Wow, are you okay Sophie?" I'm about to answer when strong hands pull me off him, "She's fine, right Soph?" It's Dex.

I give the universal thumbs up sign and sigh, "I had a lot of fun today, but I think I'm just going to call it quits. See you guys later." Surprisingly, no one objects as I unsteadily pull away from Dex and shakily walk inside the house. As soon as I get into my room I open the void Edaline made for me and take my art supplies out, when they are all nicely restored back to places with all the others I collapse onto my bed.


I'm out of breath, running away from my inevitable fate, I'm never getting off this base. Not because I'm stuck and cornered in a ditch, but because I'm bloody lost. While I may have left that conversation with as much grace as possible, it seems that I've used up all my luck. As if my luck wasn't bad enough, more voices make their way down this hallway.

"Raine, make sure that when you drop the girl off three things. She cannot remember her time here, she cannot remember us, and she must read the note about meeting me at the dance studio." I can't see who said that because as soon as it got out they both disappeared. Then I bumped into Ruy and Alvar, "Are you happy now?" Accent, must be Alvar, so the other must be Ruy.

Getting a better look, I know who Ruy Ignis is. It's the big jerk who slammed my head into the wall and carried me back here. "I don't know what to think, Alvar, I mean it's really her. And I slammed her head into a wall, she most likely hates me now--if she didn't before, because I technically helped kill the Gnome." Excuse me, what now.

"Ruy that wasn't your fault, you had no choice in what you did, none of us did. You know who's fault that really is, and if Sophie can't come to terms with that then she's really not worth it." Before I hear anymore of the conversation they walk away,  I go in the opposite direction and bump into yet another pair.

"Oh, daddyyyy, I need you to do something for me." This was met by an empty silence, "What have I told you about calling me that. You're not a little girl anymore Glimmer, stop acting like one. And I know why you're here, I was already informed by that boyfriend of yours--also if you must know, I do not approve of him." Gethan, good to know that he's an arse like always.

"And now you know why I loved mom more--," But the douche interrupts, "No, don't fool yourself, you loved your mother more because she was soft. Now, hurry up and take me to Sophie Foster before I lose my respectable image." Glimmer snorts, "Sorry to say, but you lost that a long time ago, along with mom's love, mine too. And to be honest I don't give a fuck what you think about Ezra, he is my boyfriend and nothing is changing that."

As if saying his name he was summoned, Ezra appeared right next to the father and daughter. "Uh, we have a problem." Gethan rolls his eyes, "Well, spit it out boy we haven't got all day. I believe I still need to wash--," Ezra clears his throat. "Yeah, that's the problem. She got out, we don't know how, just that the guards were found nocked out inside of the room. She's still on base because none of the leaping crystals are gone, but she remembers this place better than she's letting on--despite having this place wiped from her mind."

That's why I'm getting deja vu, I've been here before. "Glimmer please help me, we need to find her before my uncle--," Gethan smirks, "It's a bit too late for that boy, he's on his way here now. As are Ruy and Alvar." Ezra gives Glimmer a betrayed look which Glimmer gives back to her father in a harsher way. "Dios mio! Maldito culo!" My gods! You fucking ass! She quickly said and then got slapped across the face.

"I am your father, never speak to me like that and what have I said about speaking in spanish. Next time I will do something far worse than slap some sense into you. Love makes you weak." She smiles through the pain, "Like mom made you, everyone know how the great Gemmalynn Reyes broke your heart and left you in the dust. Poor daddy, grow some and man up, I'm not like you--not stupid, I know love makes you weak. You're not backing down, so why should I."

For the first time in this conversation Gethan has no snarky comeback, he's shocked speechless. Everyone stands there for a coupe of minutes in silence till the rest of the people get to the room. "Ezra! How could you lose her? She was trapped in a secluded room with no exit and paralized legs, you said she'd never be able to get out!"

"That is not what I said! I said that there was a high chance that it would be impossible for her to get out. From the buzzing of the bed, it was supposed to make her feet fall asleep—I didn't think she'd wake up and roll of the bed. But I guess I made the bad choice of underestimating my bloody cousin, who by the way I haven't actually seen in over seven years. So I'm so freaking sorry that I didn't think that'd she'd get away!" My cousin? I have family here?

I'm too busy pondering my thoughts that I don't see the Raine girl walk up to where I am and pull me out of the shadows. "We have ourselves quite a spy here." She has my wrist in a tight hold, "How in the ten bloody hells." She smirks, "Healing ability, I could sense you standing there." I give her an increduolous look and slowly turn to face the others there. I'm Freaking screwed! Too busy trying to fit back into the shadows I miss the man that might be either my father or an uncle slip back into the hallway outside.

As if on a whim, I straighten my spine and meet everyones gaze defiently. "Call me self centered, but there's no way in sam hill I'm going to tell you anything." Trying to calm down my pulse I just stare into the shadows that the man used to exit. Everyone just seemed to stiffen and somehow my pulse is rising again, but I manage to take in a deep breath and smooth it out.

Raine shoots a curious look my way, "How is it not working on you." She says in a bit of outrage, so she's the one making my pulse fast. I mean I'm not surprised, if she's a 'healer' she can control things about a person, heartbeat, blood flow, brain energy...too focused on that thought I miss the 'Let's hit Sophie in the head to knock her out' part. Then dark.


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