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Sophie's going to kill me, I screwed up, royaly

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Sophie's going to kill me, I screwed up, royaly. She's not going to forgive me this time, I left her and I left a small, shitty letter. It's for her own good though, she needs to understand that I will only make her life worse, I'm not worth it. She already has so many things going on, I doubt she'd care soon enough--she has Fitz anyway. The freaking Wonderboy, and he likes her back, why'd she choose me when she has him.

I managed to make it to Sophie's old house in San Diego, where no one would look because it would be a too obvious spot. No one was residing here because after the disappearance of the Foster family, no one wanted to take up this space. As I settle down, I look around and try not to snoop, but go to Sophie's room anyway.

The first thing I notice is that the room is dark and messy, books lying around everywhere, the room generally looked trashed. Something I'm certain Sophie would never do, as soon as I realize that I know that I'm not alone. "Come out, now." I demanded, but then I realized what I did, I used my new ability. I heard the command in my voice before I saw the person dumbly step out of the shadows.

It was mommy dearest, damn the look on her face is making my day. "Wow, you fell for your own trap, not very bright mother." Before I can get closer to her, a melder is pressed into my back. A british accent is the first thing I notice, "Not another step, Sencen. Your mother took precautions." He grabs my arm and ties it to a shelf and goes to my mother, "Let me go, now." He seems to not have heard me because he doesn't do anything, he sticks something in my mom's ear.

"You're good Gisela, you can get up." He smiles when he sees the shock on my face, then he points to his ear, "It's a counteracter. Whatever commands you give, I programmed the earpiece to give the opposite command. It sends different brain waves than the waves you send out." Mother stands up and smiles at the british boy, "Good job, Ezra." She says proudly.

"Wow, she shows some motherly affection. The least she could do is remember when she did this to me." I grumble, but then I grab the shelf as a powerful shock goes through my head. I looked to see if the others were affected and they were, it makes me wonder if I commanded it, but then why didn't the earpiece counteract it? "Son, what did you do?" She actually looks scared as she clutches her head.

I try to snark something back at her, but the ache in my head gets worse. I fall to my knees and see that they do the same. The ache gets worse till I see black and pass out.


"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. Cya around, Blondie." I say with a smirk and turn to leave, I hear her scoof, but I didn't think she'd have it in her to say something back. I was clearly wrong, "My name is Soph! See you soon, Lord Hunkyhair!" She shouts, I look back and smirk further at her smiling face. Lord Hunkyhair. I like that nickname. As I run from my father's direction, I bump into Fitz.

"Yo, dude. Did you see the new girl? Skipped a grade, blonde, violet eyes, really cute, daughter of Fintan. Ring any bells?" He looked confused until I mentioned Fintan, "Oh, you mean Soph? Yeah, I saw her. It's not like I can go up and talk to her though--how did you? Ruy freaking Ignis has been watching over her like a guard dog, Ezra and Trix too." I smirked at him, "She was lost in the hallway and I helped her out--or tried to, daddy dearest showed up."

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