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"Eeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeee. Eeeeeeeee." I get up and look at the clock, 11:15, I need to get ready to meet him. My ominous father, who I have no clue about, not that I want to know anything about him or what he does with the Neverseen. It honestly would have been better if he stayed the hells out of my life, I don't need him dragging his unwanted arse into my life and associating me with the bad guys.

My black clothing is human based so if I'm caught it'll be easier to blend in or blame it on the weirdo in weird clothing next to me. I have a tight black long sleeve shirt that matches with the black yoga leggings and black athletic shoes. For a moment I imagine dying my hair black or dark brown so that my father won't recognize me, but if I'm caught out having a different color hair won't look that good.

I pull on a cape, open the window and levitate to a place where the sound of teleporting will be concealed. I get to the dance studio at 11:27, apparently I'm early because the person isn't here yet. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage, I scour every bit of the land that once used to be my safe haven. There's a back door, high windows, no cameras or sensors, and most importantly, it has loads of great places to hide.

As I take a turn down a corridor that I didn't see yet, a booming voice calls out as soon as I enter. "Sophie Foster, what a pleasure for you to finally join us." Chills run down my spine as my mind registers the voice. It's so oddly familiar, like I've heard it before--recently, over time the lulls of the tones of voices dull and you forget, but this is different. He steps out of the shadows, "I knew that you'd come! Come, give me a hu--,"

I give him my most unbelieving look ever. "I'm hallucinating right?" I pinch my arm and it turns out that I'm not. "Ten bloody hells..." And that was before I saw his face. "You've got to be ducking kidding me!" The dream makes sense now, the lady and the man fighting, my subconscious must have been trying to warn me.

F for, "Fintan," I look him straight in the eyes and find a warmth that should be fake. How can he have tortured me and then just have this innocent parent loving look on his face. "Wait, Sophie, let me explain. My daughter you have no idea how long I've wanted to--," I give out a cold laugh.

"Explain? You want to explain? Explain what exactly? Hmmm...explain how you stood by as people tortured me and my friend for ten days? Explain how you burnt down Eternalia and I somehow took the blame as always--you killed Kenric! Explain how you nearly killed me as you tried to recruit Keefe. Explain how Mr. Forkle died, how my real parents got kidnapped, how Tam was captured, how I'm a bloody experiment, how Keefe is one too, how he left me, and how the last years of my life have been absolute shit.

"Can you explain that dad?" I closed my eyes as I started talking and when I reopened them, I saw the complete shock on his face. "Sophie, I...I...that's not...darling, you must believe me." I scoff, "Like hells I'll believe you, if you want to prove something, you need evidence, and even after that there are so many bad things that you've done." Then in a softer voice, "You can't possibly make up for everything, it isn't possible." When he flinches, like I've actually landed a blow on him, "I'm sorry, I truly am, but you can't erase the things you've done."

I can't hear the next things he says, my pulse is beating so hard all I hear is the unsteady, bump, bump, bump. I can't help it as my vision goes from blurry to wobbly to black.


"Sophie! Sophie! Raine hurry, help me."

"What happened here!"

"I don't know, I don't know. One minute she was fine and then she just fell."

"You're lucky you caught her, if not she could have a concussion. I think she just fainted from the shock of it all, it hit her too hard all this information at once."

"But I didn't even tell her anything"

"You didn't need to, Fin. All she had to do was see you, if I'm not mistaken Edyn's spell is wearing off. She's remembering."


I wake up again, but this time fully remembering the encounter I had last night. My head is pounding and my throat is dry, but I'm alive and not in my bed. I jolt upright, making my headache worse, but if I'm not in my bed, I'm somewhere else and that's not making me feel any better. I let out a pitiful moan and rub my temples, I crack my neck then stretch.

When the aching lessens, I stand and look around and thank gods, I'm not in a Neverseen base. I am on the outside near Havenfield's cave, bloody hells, Edaline and Grady are going to kill me. It's probably past the time they wake me up for classes, today is a Monday and the only reason my friends and I don't stay at the silver towers is because it's a safety precaution.

I race into the house and find it empty, I check everywhere and all I find are two notes, each lying next to each other, but totally different at the same time. One has Edaline's fancy writing and the other is a quick messy scrawl of a man. I open Edaline's first,

Dearest Sophie,

Sorry we didn't check on you this morning but something came up and that's why I'm conjuring this to your room. An abrupt meeting at the Sterling Gables, the Heks are going off the hinges because apparently someone opened the gates and some animals got out. We'll see you as soon as we get home.

Love you lots, Mom and Dad

Then I open what's got to be Fintan's,


I know this letter will mean shit to you, but I'm still going to try anyway though all your old friends tell me that you are most likely to throw it away. I'm sorry it happened this way, but you need to know what's going to happen now that you've truly looked at me.

If you were somewhat conscious last night after you fainted, you would have heard Raine say that 'Edyn's spell is wearing off she...that lady cursed you. If you meet with me again I can explain it to you before you get your memories back, I can explain and it'll all make sense.

Please, you have to believe me.

Please, Your Father

Cursed me? Is she a witch or something? He didn't even leave a time or date or place...loophole successfully found. This is honestly becoming old news, he didn't even apologize for leaving me out in the open and scaring the shit out of me. I hope he doesn't mind if I just ignore this, no hard feelings, it's just everytime I have an encounter with the Neverseen nowadays I end up with a splitting headache and no idea where I am.

But that leaves one person out, "Miss Foster! This is the last time, come out or I'm coming in." His squeaky voice is not making him much of a threat though. I can't not answer him so the next best thing is, "Oh shit! Sorry Sandor I just got up, must have been from last night. Bloody hells, I'm sorry to have worried you."

"No it's fine Miss Foster, I was just worried that you were taken or... or that was a front." Um, is he suspecting me? "I mean, you are a really pretty young lady and you're in your youth so we never know. You're like a daughter to me so I'm only trying to show you how much I care. Your father and mother have talked with me about this before and if I ever find a guy in your room...that's his last day."

Totally not what I expected him to say, I gag, "Oh my gods, Sandor, no. And I'm not talking about my love life with you. I need to get ready for school, I'll come out in ten."

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