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I'm late

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I'm late. Ten bloody hells, I quickly grab my silver uniform, brush, and make-up. There must have been something on my face for Sandor to think that I was sleeping with someone. Getting to the mirror, tiredness is etched onto everybit of my face, it seeps through me. I've never been more happy for Vertina in my life.

I change into the uniform and brush my hair, but it seems to do little because my hair looks the same if not messier. I walk into the Vertina's mirror range, but Vertina doesn't appear, that snake. "Vertina, I know you can see me, you know I need your help." No answer, one day I might just destroy that mirror in anger. "Please, Vertina, I need your help."

A ghostly pale head and long black hair appears on the screen right after the words leave my mouth. "Could you repeat that for me, I think I was stunned for a sec, couldn't hear anything. But it sounded like the infamous queen of 'I hate all things girly' just asked me to help her with girly things." I roll my eyes, "Enjoy this because it's the last time the words will ever leave my mouth, and you know the reason. I look like absolute shit. I'm not going to ask again because you heard me and you're going to help me or else I will tell everyone how my spectral mirror just lets me walk out of the house looking like this."

"Touché," She sighs and relents, "And you do look like shit. I honestly hope you didn't think I was actually going to let you walk out of the house today." I give her a knowing smile, she tries and fails to suppress her smile trying to be serious, but I can see past it. Over time we have begun to care about each other.

"I hate that you're in your last year now, not just because it's your last year in school, but because silver just doesn't go with your gold look. Can you just reverse time and go back to last year when you rocked your color and rendered every boy speechless." She's right though, the silver doesn't really match with my eyes, but judgmental arses can keep it in their pants.

"But that doesn't mean we can't try another color, may I suggest purple, blue, or black? The black might be best though, the purple and blue contrast with your eyes." I nod and move to grab the black eyeliner when she stops me, "Also don't think that's all the make-up it's going to take. You look like you had a fight with the sheets and they won, your hair looks like a bird's nest. Gods above, I need foundation, blush, and eyeshadow. Fake eyelashes? Brush for sure!"

Rolling my eyes, I go and grab what Her Highness commands. When she finished instructing me and we were finally done, did I truly look at myself. I look so different, my eyes wider, cheekbones more pronounced, cheeks flushed, long lashes. My hair even looks un-pinapple-y for once. It was intricately braided into a band behind my head, it made the multicolor of blonde more pronounced, the colors didn't blend together as it usually did.

"Oh my lords, you look...you look good Sophie. If the boys weren't already drooling all over you, they certainly would be now." Like hell any boy would drool over me. "Mmmk, sure. All I know is that I'm so late and if I don't leave right now I'm going to be late to classes and miss morning gossip with the girls and that means no more gossip for you." That shuts her up, "Thank you for helping me with this. I owe you one, let's hope the gossip I get is good." I say with a wink and head out the door.

Outside I find Sandor, he looks me over once, twice, and gives me a disapproving look. "Are you not listening to anything I said? If the boys weren't already clawing for your attention, you've certainly done it this time." I smirk at him, that's the exact same thing Vertina said, and though I find it hard to believe it's amusing to think they see me that way.

As we neared the leapmaster, I reached into my pockets and realized that I don't have the alarm thing. It needs to be recharged and I lost the charger for it, I need Dex's help. Walking back into the room I notice three things, Vertina didn't disappear, she's talking to herself, and she didn't notice me yet.

"I swear, she looks exactly like Edyn." That's the name of the lady from my dream. "No, Edyn is dead, she's gone from this world. Sophie isn't her, their personalities are in complete contrast. You're just being paranoid, it's just your fear of that cruel lady that's making you think of this." After saying that she seems to reassure herself and dissolves back into the mirror.

That name, that lady, Edyn. All my problems seem to be coming from her. Honestly, what does Fintan mean that she cursed me? Is she a witch, yeah, I don't think so. Elves may exist and I'm willing to bet that other magical beings exist, I just don't want a real life Harry Potter situation though. And what does Vertina mean by 'she looks exactly like Edyn'? Am I a doppelganger, is she a doppelganger?

Forgetting what I came into here to get, I exit the room and make my way back to Sandor. "Ready Miss Foster? Did you get what you wanted?" I just blank out, "I'm ready to go, sorry for taking so long. I forgot what I wanted to get." He assesses me, but when he sees that I'm fine and the imaginary threat in his head fades, we leap to school.


"Oh my gods! Is that Sophie Foster?" "Damn, she looks hot!" "All I see is a try hard." "Yeah, what a wannabe elf. I guess she finally realized that she was ugly. Too bad she didn't cover up her eyes." "Okay, that's kinda crossing the line." "So, all the guys like her, what's the difference if none of the girls do." "I speak for all guys when I say it makes all the difference. If you were more like her then maybe we'd be into you."

I try to ignore all the states and comments, but they just keep coming, or all the way until I get to my friends at least. Before I can say anything, Biana is upon me, pestering me and gawking. "OH MY GODS SOPHIE! OMG OMG OMG!!" I can't help but laugh. "Why didn't you tell me that you were an expert at hair and make-up? Why did you get all fancy? Did you know that all the guys are staring at you? Did you know that my brother's looking at you like a lost puppy?"

I turned to see Fitz, and as Biana said, he was looking at me with stars in his eyes and nearly crashed into Tam. "Well Vertina did most of it and I got all 'fancy' because this morning I looked like I had a fight with the bed and it won. Also I did notice all the stares, I wish they would go away. The comments and stares are non stop, it's getting irritating." She gives me a funny look, "Well, you can't blame them. You know how good you look, and adding make-up just makes you so much more. You really should have thought of that before you decided to have a fight with your bed."

She laughs at her own joke and I groan, "Where's everyone else?" She looks at her hands and starts cleaning her already clean nails. "Stina's with Maruca, Linh and Wylie went to class dragging Marella with them. Oh and if you hadn't noticed, the rest of our group is busy staring at you. I honestly thought Dex was over you, but I wouldn't jinx it, look at him." I look up and make eye contact and he looks down blushing.

I look at Tam and smirk, he wasn't looking at me, Biana's just so into my love life that she doesn't notice the arse in front of her. I don't look at Fitz again and grab her hands, "Do you have any tea? If you don't, I'm screwed because that's Vertina's payment." She looks at me in shock, "Ummm, are you the same Sophie Foster that I met six years ago?" She taps my temple with her index finger, "Because the girl I'd met would never say anything like that."

I roll my eyes, "Enjoy it while it lasts. Are you going to tell me or not?" Seeing my face she laughs and I laugh with her, "Of course, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't tell you?"


"Okay! So Biana told me that Jensi finally had it in himself to ask someone out. And guess who that was?" Vertina gave me one of those 'if you don't tell me now I will kill you' looks and I smirked. "Luca. A kid in the silver towers with us. He's a year younger and bunking with Jensi. He's a flasher and soo into Jensi as well, Jensi didn't get to finish asking him out before the kid kissed him."

Vertina squeals with joy, but it is cut short when a blast of power goes through the room and all the electricity goes out. Including Vertina. "Shit!" The windows slam open and a hooded figure slips in, "So, Jensi is gay after all."

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