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"Soph! C'mon, we're going to be late and I know how much you love seeing Ruy." Dad tells me and I blush, hard, "Daddyyy! Stop doing that, I do NOT have a crush on Ruy." He smiles, "And thank gods for that, you're too young for boys. Tsk, tsk, tsk, only seven and charming everyone." My smile widens and you can see the gap where my two front teeth should be, he boops my nose.

"Tonight will be fun, dear, the first time we are all getting together in a while huh? I think the last reunion was on Umber's birthday--and we all know how that went." I give him an indigent look, "You know that that's not my fault, if she hadn't been so pushy maybe I wouldn't have lost control of my abilities. She got too close to Ruy so I hit her with fire...wait a second."

Dad falls to his knees laughing, "I got you good, didn't I?" Still laughing he stands up and puts me on his shoulders. "Let's go my little bird, Elysian may be waiting for us, but I know for a fact that Ruy and the rest of your besties--mostly Ruy--are not going to be patient in waiting for you. And I just rebuilt part of it a couple days ago, you and Glimmer are terrible at chemistry may I add."

"I learned from the best." I say and hug his face, "You for a fact did not learn from the best, your mother was amazing at it though. It was probably because...um, nevermind. Your mother was just good at a lot of things and so are you. Argh!" Then he grabs my ankle and tickles my foot.

Laughing uncontrollably, I summoned the void, "Daddy, stop, we need to go!" I say, still laughing. Finally he relents and walks through the portal I opened and we ended up in Elysian. Here the grass was green and lush, there were beautiful mountains with equally beautiful flowers, Delphiniums, plus other deadly flowers.

The sight truly was amazing, it was almost unreal. There was an ocean not far out, the clearest, cleanest, and calmest beach I've ever seen. This place was almost frozen at a sunset or sunrise moment. I don't know how this place is possible, it might be an illusion, but it feels too real. I take a deep breath and sigh, "Daddy, why don't we come here more often?"

"To keep it safe, the less people who know about this place the better. The less times we come here, we are less likely to have people follow us. One day though, one day we can just stay here without the consequences, but that day isn't today." He puts me down and brushes my hair behind my ear, "Today we celebrate your birthday."


In a flash I'm no longer reliving my past memories, I rise slowly--learning from my mistakes from the last time. Everyone around me, which is mostly the ladies in our group, are sleeping. I guess it took a lot of work watching me sleep, I slipped out of the bed and accidentally kicked Biana, shit! She wakes up, a little confused at first, but then sees me and starts talking.

I can't hear what she says as I rush out of the room, sprinting to the exit when I bump into Tam. I fight as he struggles to hold onto me, "Tam let me go! I need to go so let me go! I need to go!" Quickly all the energy I thought I had was all used up and I collapsed into his arms, "I remember, I remember, I remember,"

It's now hard to keep my eyes open, but I force out the one thing that could help make the returning of my memories easier to process, "Take...to...Elysian. Tam, Promise, Elysian." I tap on his temple, allowing myself to show him where I need to go. Then I open a portal, the only way to get into Elysian--if you don't have unicorns or teleporting abilities.

Whether he chooses to walk through that portal and help me is his choice, but I feel him move in that direction as I pass out. More memories are coming.


"Nyx!" I turn around to see Ruy, and scowl, "What have I told you about calling me that, you know I don't like code names." He smirks at my discomfort, "Oh come on little bird, you know you love the name, your father's the one who gave it to you. Pheonyx, it's a fitting name really." I roll my eyes and resist the urge to look him in the eye, two years older than me and yet close to five inches taller than me.

I wish we could go back to two years ago when I actually was taller than him, now I just feel short. "Are you excited to start school at foxfire though? Your father still has enough influence to get special benefits for you." I feel short and disgusted with him now, Father thought I had a crush on him, but it is anything but that. It is a competition on who is better--which is me.

"Eleven and starting her first year at Foxfire, looks to me like I've found a new pranking subject." I growl, "Thirteen and an arse as always, should have known better. Goodbye, Psi, see you in a few hours. Too many too soon." I give him a mocking wave goodbye and teleport to Moondrift--my father's residence, it's just me and him there. Right now I was at Valkonian, one of the Neverseen hideouts connected to the Lodestar symbol.

"Soph, you're finally here. You're in big trouble missy, it's your first day of school and you're going to be late. I did not pull as many strings as I did to get you into this school without a trial by three councillors for you to be late on your first day of school." He says in a harsh voice, but I know he's joking because he never takes anything seriously. "Okay, but seriously, you need to get ready, your friends are already at school and waiting for you."

I put on my uniform quickly and head out to my father, "Your hair is disastrous, give me your hairbrush and I will try to work magic." He takes the brush to my hair and even before he places it down I scream, "What is it now?" I groan, "Daddd, I don't like you messing with my hair. I don't like anyone messing with my hair." He grunts and I take it as the universal 'well too bad for you'

He runs the brush through my hair and separates it into three bits, crossing them over and making a big long braid at the back of my head. The only thing is that not all my hair fits in the braid, "I can't believe you convinced me into letting you get bangs." He grumbles, I laugh softly, put in violet contacts, and grab my books off the table. "Hurry up old man, you said I'd be late, but I'll be late because of you." I whine making my accent more pronounced.

"Who are you calling old?" He says with a smile and ushers me to our leapmaster. He holds out his hand and I take it fiercely, excited to see my friends and meet new people. Glimmer and Raine are in first year, but somehow dad got me in a year above with Ezra, Umber, and Trix. Ruy is two years older than me, but only one school year, I'm going to love shoving that in his face. We walked through the light beam and suddenly our surroundings changed. There was a five story pyramid in the middle of purple grass, "Dad is that purple grass?" I say, dazed.

"You bet! Go find your friends while I talk and catch up to some of mine." I say okay and go wander about, checking for my friends, but I am hopelessly lost--just as usual, I guess. "Crappers!" I really should have stayed close to dad and waited for him to finish talking so he could help me. "Are you lost?" I turn to see a bright boy with outrageous blond hair and ice blue eyes right behind me.

I scream, "Holy crackers! You could have scared me to death." But seeing how that wasn't polite, I do what my dad would have done, I stick out my hand for a hand shake. "Soph Pyren, you can just call me 'Soph' though." He takes my hand and gives me a crooked smile that I can't help but swoon over. He's really cute and it's hard to focus.

"My name is--," I cringe as he gets cut off by a really angry man, "Keefe Sencen! Where are you, you imprudent child!" He gives a mock wince that makes me laugh, "Well, I guess that's my cue to leave. Cya around, Blondie." I scoff in outrage, "My name is Soph! See you soon, Lord Hunkyhair!" I cup my hands around my mouth to make the words travel, he turns around and shoots me a smirk and sprints away.


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