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"Ruy," Kill me now, "What are you doing here? Didn't you already have your fun these past couple days, leave me be

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"Ruy," Kill me now, "What are you doing here? Didn't you already have your fun these past couple days, leave me be. The Neverseen have been out of action for the past year, why is it starting up again?" He doesn't answer, he just gives me one of those looks that makes me want to punch the look of his bloody good looking face.

"Oh shut your trap before you catch flies." But as he continues to stare, I realize that I am barely wearing anything. Just a skanky T-shirt and short shorts, just great. I'm beyond pissed, "Well, what do you want?" I grouch, giving him the stink eye. He shakes himself and his eyes become focused again, shame creeps up on his face and it makes me want to laugh out loud.

"Fintan, your father, forgot to add the time and location--probably knowing that you would try to find the loophole--and make me come here and see you--so meet him at Elysian. You don't remember it now, but you will in time and when you do, we will be waiting." He says the last part with a light smile that makes him look so much younger and innocent.

"Why tell me this, you seemed to hate me a couple years ago. How can you be so cold, then just go to be a Prince Charming, it doesn't make sense." He gives me a rueful smile, "Nothing in this world makes sense anymore. I thought you knew that." With that he gathers his wits back and heads back to jump out of the window, "I hope you let yourself remember, you're not the only one going through hell."

Then he jumps, there's a big boom and I rush to the ledge. Where he should have landed lies a big pile of my favorite flowers, the Delphinium flowers. Deadly to the touch and beautiful. I had forgotten all about the flowers in the past years, how had he known? If you were brave enough to try and smell the flower it was the best thing in the world, it was almost enchanted. Maybe it was, if it wanted it could kill people, but it never killed me and that's why it was my favorite.

Not that my parents knew, but there was a bush that used to grow close to our house and I'd pass it everyday fearing it, until I didn't. One day I just got so sick of seeing the poisonous and fearing them that I went up and smelled them, I knew it was a risk because my mind told me it was the poisonous flower—the elven jeans coming through, a human mind would see them and think the flower was just a flower.

My peaceful moment of pure bliss of seeing the flower was over when my parents bursted into my room. "What happened?" Grady demands, but Edaline already next to me squeals. "It looks like she has an admirer, look at those beautiful flowers!" More like a stalker, though he knows more about me than I know about myself at the moment. The flowers were probably just a death wish, he even has the gull to taunt me even when I'm a downed dog.

"Mum! Don't touch the flowers, they're poisonous. I don't have an admirer, I have a gods damned stalker lunatic." She stops for a second and takes a better look at the flowers and gasps, "Delphinium...but how? These flowers don't grow here, the Council got rid of them years ago after someone was murdered and the flower was found in their system." When she finally realizes that it wouldn't have come from here she whispers, more to herself than us, "They're back."


"You're kidding right? The Neverseen are gone, Mr. Sencen did us a big favor in going away, he took them with them and they're probably terrorising the humans. It's not our problem anymore." Councillor Alina spews to the rest of us, proving that she has no idea what is going on and just likes to hear her own voice.

Grady and Edaline called this meeting right after I cleaned all the flowers up, much to their chagrin. They thought that the flowers would kill me and we had a long conversation about safety and all that stuff before the Council and everyone else showed up. Sandor, who saw me picking up the flowers--he wasn't there when all the commotion happened--threw a bloody hissy fit because he said, "Miss Foster, you will do well to stay away from those flowers, they kill even the fiercest of warriors. My Queen even fears this for she cannot master immunity."

"It is no lie, Fitz, tell them what happened in the alley in Mysterium." He gives me that shocked and betrayed look, but I have no time for his antics. I look back to Oralie, my birth mother, or so I thought--it's just really confusing right now and I can't deal with all this shite. "Oralie tell me more about Elysian and Kenric's search about it."

She still thinks she's my mother--either brainwashed or forced to for some reason--so I have to act cold and be bitchy. "You know the same as me Sophie, all the information in Kenric's cache was all the information that we are going to get. The rest either died with him or is in his cache." She gave me more than what I needed and didn't even notice it.

The less everyone knows about it the better, I have a feeling that Elysian is a hidden Neverseen base and Kenric was killed to conceal that knowledge. I adored Kenric, but he shouldn't have gone meddling with things that he knew nothing about, even if I don't know much about it either, yet. "Okay then, nevermind. But the Neverseen truly are back, I've seen them myself."

"Then you know nothing, we are at peace right now. Don't ruin it for everyone, Miss Foster." I roll my eyes, "'Don't ruin it for everyone, Miss Foster' You just love to hear yourself talk don't you." I give a small fake laugh, but it can't be heard over the snickers from the others in the room. Alina gives an indignant look, but doesn't deny it, which makes my fake laugh real.

"Don't get me wrong, I want what's best for everyone. If that means revealing that the Neverseen is back and ruining the peace, then I will do it, no matter the backlash. So stand down," Alina seems to back down after I say that, everyone does. "Oh my gods," Bronte whispers. Everyone looks at me and steps back in fear, "Sophie...," Dex says warily, "Look down."

As I look down, per Dex's request, I'm standing in a circle of fire. Holy ducks, "Marella, stop playing with fire, thanks for backing my speech up, but this is too much." Marella looks at me in fear and says in a small voice, "This isn't me Sophie, this isn't me." Then who--my father is a pyrokinetic, but I still need to keep up the charade. "How...how is this possible, I thought I was done getting abilities."

Mr. Forkle looked shocked, but it was only there for a second so anyone could mistake it for a wince. I am not the others though, he knows something. "I thought you were too, but it seems that even the small parts of the abilities that my brother and I had are passed into you. Your biological parents too, you might as well have all the abilities really." Great lie, but horrible poker face.

I, on the other hand, have an amazing poker face. I put on my most convinced, scared, and demure face, "O-okay, I just really hope the others don't activate then." I give a fake laugh that the other will certainly know is fake and they will assume the lie is about something else. I love lying as much as I love the Delphinium flowers, sweet and pretty on the outside, but--yeah no. Everything about the flower is deadly.

"Linh a little help? I don't want to try to put it out and only make it worse." I give her a pleading look and she does just that, "Thank you, Linh. I think I'm just going to head to bed now, putting up the fire circle thingy made me tired." I flash her a quick smile and head up the stairs leaving everyone behind me.


I step into the shower, a cold one, to cool the heat that is now coursing through my veins. Is this how Marella felt as she manifested? I feel like bloody hell, I might as well have a fever and it wouldn't even compare to the heat that I feel now. They could put me in the hottest part of the world and it couldn't compare--I'm exaggerating, but that's how bad I feel right now.

"'Cause lately it's been hard," I most definitely have a fever. "They're selling me for parts." I just want the heat to stop, I run through my hair and I can't help but cry. I don't think it's just the heat anymore. "And I don't wanna be modern art," Blinding pain shoots into my head, and I scream, "But I only got half a heart to give you." I can't hear the music anymore.


"Soph! C'mon, we're going to be late and I know how much you love seeing Ruy."


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