Who are you? (Chapter Twenty-six)

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Ali's POV
It has been about on and a half months since pax east. I wake up and start getting ready for my day. I go downstairs and get something to eat, I know that Liam is asleep right now so I watch TV. I hear a big bang and go to see where it came from. I turn to see a smashed window but nobody is in sight. I start up the stairs to get Liam but I get hit and everything goes black.

Liam/H's POV
I wake up and go check to see if Ali is up yet, she isn't in her room so I go downstairs and still don't see her. I then turn to see a smashed window. I run up to my room to get my phone to call someone. I unlock my phone to see a missed call, I call back and they answer. They tell me something that I dreaded for the day to come. He must of taken her.
Before my Mom died she told me to make sure I kept Ali safe. I have until this point. She is my sister and I love her. I said I would keep her safe no matter what. I made that promise when I was 10 years old and I kept it for 12 years. I don't know what I am going to do, but I need help.

Ali's POV
I woke up in a dark room and realized I was tied up. I scream and somebody comes from the upstairs.

"Can you explain to me why I'm here and who you are?" I ask.
"Well, I want revenge and I am your brother Blake." He said.
"Revenge for what? And I thought I only had one brother!" I say.
"Well step-brother."
"And what do you want revenge for?" I ask.
"When you were a baby I was 10. I never got any attention. So I ran away. I was looked for but never found again, well until I got arrested for killing someone in a car crash."
"What?! Who did you kill?" I asked.
"Your father." He stated bluntly.
"You don't know how much pain you put us through, we were crying for days, we had to take care of ourselves, we had to live by ourselves, we had to do many things without knowing how. We didn't know why this would happen, or why it wasn't one of us. We cried for days and days and it took us forever to get over it. I was 12! I wanted to help make money but I couldn't because I was too young! Didn't you already get your revenge?" I was crying now.
"Not on you." He said getting very close to me then leaving.

Jokes on him my phone was visibly in his pocket hanging out loosely and I easily took it without him noticing. Now it's time to find out where the heck I am and to call someone for help.

~*~Author's Note~*~
I am pretty proud of this chapter, I have had the idea for a while and I was just waiting for the right time to put it in. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was by far my favorite to write yet.

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