
19 1 0

A/N: I've decided to change it around a bit with the point of views from now on, you get your first PoV change about halfway through this chapter, so please don't get confused.

I woke up the next morning to a loud banging.
"Wake up Ise! We're leaving in an hour!" Chris called from the door.
"Fine....I'm awake. Let me get changed and I'll be down soon!" I looked down and realised I was still in my outfit from past night. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I quickly grabbed some clothes from the pile of stuff that wasn't packed and got ready, putting on some makeup to cover the bags under my eyes. I shoved the rest of my things into my rucksack ready for the flight.

//incoming call from RW-2//

"AV-8, decline call, but send a message saying 'im busy, will call back soon.' To RW-2" I said, pulling my bags downstairs and out to the car.
"Finally, she turned up!" Called Chris, who was putting suitcases into the back of the G-wagon.
"There's a plate of pancakes in the kitchen for you, Ise, then can you go help Alan. He's round the back, sorting security."
"Will do!" I called back from the door and grabbed my mini projector before heading inside for the food. "AV-8, open video chat to Avem." I told my drone as I went to collect the pancakes.
You- Hey Al, are we leaving a sentinel drone?
#0- Yeah, I need you over here to help me install a new function on it.
You- Will I get hurt?
#0- Not if you do it right.
You- I'll be right there. Come on, AV-8.
I picked up the plate and walked out to the back, my drone following close behind.
"God Morgen, #0! [Good Morning, #0!]" I called, spotting him kneeling nest to a drone.
"What are you doing to H-18?" I asked, using the drone's ID which appeared floating above it, in a similar fashion to how Alan's ID and bio floated above his head.
"Giving him a quick service because I don't know how long we'll be gone for. Here, can you program him to be able to project invisible barriers?"
"I'm not sure, but I'll give it a shot. Try to live up to my ancestors...." I joked, already bringing up the coding screen on my projector.
"And don't forget your breakfast! Where's Chris, by the way?"
"Trying to fit everything into the G-wagon, why?"
"Cause I have a present for him that I'm working on, but he can't know about it." He dragged a bag towards himself, pulling several spanners and screwdrivers out before finally finding what he had been looking for; a white AW-8 drone. It was brand new, straight off the assembly line, and it had no assignation.

"I want Chris to name it himself, but it's registered as his drone. I need to finish painting it before I give it to him later, though." He threw the drone and it transformed from the logogram into the familiar form of an AW-8. Alan rummaged in the bag again while I ate my pancakes and entered code into the sentinel drone's databanks, and he finally extracted a can of black spray paint and some plastic stencils. Then he started painting Chris's drone with the paint, using the stencils to add black text saying marshmello along the edge of one wing, and Chris's signature smiley face logo on the other.
"Done!" We said at the same time, and I sent H-18 up to test his new programming. I ran the code and reached out my hand, feeling the barrier that he was projecting.
"Ok, it works." Alan collapsed Chris's drone and nested it in a box which he then placed the lid on, before packing everything back into his bag, and I grabbed my now-empty plate so we could go inside.
"Let's go!" I quickly washed the dish up, when we got inside, and put it back in the cupboard, then made sure all the downstairs windows were shut and locked, before heading out to the car, where Alan was waiting in the front. Soon, Chris joined us, locking the front door behind him.
"Norway, here we come!"

Alan's brother, Andreas, met us at Bergen airport, driving what could only be described as an army jeep. The three of us got in, me in the front and Chris and Alan in the back, with all of our stuff behind them in the boot [A/N : trunk for all you americans]. We drove for quite some time, winding up rocky mountain roads and along dirt tracks until we reached a flat outcrop, where Andreas stopped the car. I got out to look at the scenery (there was an amazing view of Bergen and out to sea) and snapped a few pictures on my phone to remember the moment.
"We have to walk the rest of the way," Alan explained, helping his brother share out our bags between us. So off we ser, trekking up a mountain on the edge of Alan's hometown, each of us dragging a suitcase over the stony ground towards the peak.

#0 / Alan's PoV:
I led the way to a small cairn, where I said that we could take a quick break. Chris dumped his suitcase on the floor and sat down on in, breathing heavily as he pulled a drink from his backpack. Damn, he looked good. I bit my lip and turned away, walking around the cairn once, looking at the stones. It didn't look quite right.
"Andreas, er du sikker på at dette er den riktige? [Andreas, are you sure this is the right one?]" I asked my brother.
"Ya, idiot, [yes, idiot,]" He replied and walked around to me.

Du er på feil side. Det er siden som vender mot Oslo, ikke Bergen. [you're on the wrong side. It's the side facing Oslo, not Bergen.]" He led me back to the spot where Iselin and my boyfriend were having drinks and talking about something. Chris looked up and saw me, then called out.
"Babe, is this some sort of funny joke in Norway, pulling your boyfriend and friend to the top of a mountain for the sake of it? I know full well your house is nowhere near here." I rolled my eyes and gestured for them to come over. They put down their bottles and got up, walking over to me and my brother. Andreas knelt down and found a pebble that had my logo carved into it, which he twisted 180° and there was a quiet clunking noise, before a screen rose out of the ground.
"Please sign in." An automated voice said. Andreas placed his hand on the screen for a moment.
"Welcome, Walker #3" the AI droned and a few of the stones in the cairn slid up and back, revealing a staircase. He grabbed two of the bags, before carefully descending, the rocks shifting back after him. I smiled at seeing the base finally in operation after all these years, and nudged Iselin.
"You go next, Ise." I told her, and she too put her hand on the screen, copying my brother.
"Unidentified Walker. Please login to the forum to gain access to the Bergen Centre." The computer said. She quickly entered her login details, her fingers flying across the keyboard so fast that I could barely see them.
"Welcome, Walker #19013." She grabbed a couple of bags and jumped down the shaft before it was even fully open.

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