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That weekend, I was so excited, I couldn't even mix a song without messing up. Soon I did the only thing I could; text Alan. I told him everything, about my nerves and the messed-up songs and how I wasn't sure he could come for that meal on the big day if we got in. He came back with:

totally normal. i had it 2 on my first tour.dont be worried. food all settled with your mom. see you 8.30 on performance day!! A.

Two months and countless practise sessions later, it was showtime. We had skyped Alan the night before to arrange last minute details such as security, who would organise the stage and what we would wear. Then at 8.30 a white unmarked bus pulled up at the back gates. The three of us were there, as was the music teacher, Miss Eastwood. Gunnar disembarked first. We introduced him to Miss, then rushed to help Alan as he climbed down the steps, with a piece of equipment under each arm and a bag slung over his shoulder. I took his keyboard while Lewis carried his launch pad vocal chop desk. We walked into the auditorium and through into the backstage area where two rooms had been set aside for our use. We placed the equipment in one of them and then took it in turns to get changed in the other. Alan said he was a surprise guest artist (which we knew he was) and that he would be less conspicuous if he wore his white hoodie with the hood down with no mask until we went onstage, because less people would recognise him in that outfit and we agreed with that.

We had two shows, one in the morning, for the rest of the school and one in the evening for anyone else. When the show started at 11 o'clock for the kids, everyone looked bored and dull and I swore, from backstage, that half of them were going to be asleep before three acts had passed. However, I was wrong. I saw two of the children in the year below me go on and suddenly all of the bored kids were lively and on their feet. There was a break in the acts for lunch at 12 and then the show started again. We were the last act of the performance, but we didn't have long to wait, as some of the performers ran off with stage fright. Even though the audience was not as big as it had been when I sang at the massive Alan Walker concert in Manchester, I still had that rush of adrenalin and nerves at playing with my hero again and I was scared that I would mess up while singing the song that I had written. I shouldn't have worried. By the time we finished playing 'shadows' the entire auditorium was on their feet and screaming Alan's name.

[A/N : this is dream text ; this is someone else texting her]

After half an hour of signing autographs and taking photos with over enthusiastic fans (apparently, it's called 'promo' when you work in the music industry) we finally managed to get into the tour bus. 97385 then drove us back to my house, where my mom was making pizzas. I passed a note to Alan, who was still wearing his white jumper

You once said in an unmasked vlog that norway has the best frozen pizza. My mom makes the best fresh, so youre in for a treat! Also, don't spill coke on that white hoodie again...

"Hey that wasn't my fault," objected Alan, "I was just warning you...you wore white for once and you got coke all over you. I don't want it to happen again." I replied with a smile.

When we pulled up outside my house, everyone was starving. Luckily, the pizza was already in the oven and we only had a two-minute wait for food, so we gave Alan a tour of the house. First, we gave him a quick glimpse of the different rooms of the main house including the study (where my family kept all our books) and the lounge. I briefly showed him a model of one of his concerts I had made in Lego, and then we exited into the garden. I quickly presented the workshop ,with the sewing machines I made our jumpers on as well as saws, hammers, and the more technical side of DIY. we only had one more place to take Alan. My bedroom. We headed further down the garden to a large hut at the bottom of the lawn. I took a key from my pocket and opened the door into a small hallway with several doors leading off of it. I opened the farthest one first. It led into my actual bedroom. There were Alan Walker posters and pictures plastered on three of the four walls, my bed occupying the fourth wall. Opposite my bed stood my desk with two big monitors, a keyboard and mouse on it.

Next we headed back into the hall. "Toilet. This is my private kitchen, because I spend pretty much all my spare time down here..." I say indicating the different doors. We enter the kitchenette and I grab a pile of key cards from the side. "Now for the rooms no one except me has seen" I stop outside the last two doors and tell everyone to close their eyes. Then I swipe one of the cards and lead them into the room on the left. "O.K., now you can open them." next to me everyone blinks as their eyes adjust to the light "You're kidding, right?" We're in an actual recording studio, with microphones and all the proper kit. "This is almost as good as the one I use at MER.". Alan was staring at the keyboard in the corner. Then he looked at me and commented "This place is sick," I'd never heard him use that kind of slang before and I smiled back, "You haven't seen next door yet."

The reaction to the other room was even better than I had imagined. Ed and Lewis' jaws dropped in shock at the sight of so much equipment in one place. Alan whistled and nodded his head. "O.K. you were right." I grinned and sat down in front of a one-way window into the recording studio, a mixing desk (and pretty much anything I needed to record a song) at my fingertips. Then I hit a couple of buttons and a melody I'd been working on comes out of hidden speakers in the ceiling. I switched it off and gave everyone in the band a key card into the studio, then we headed back to the house for a well-deserved meal.

"13??? wake up!!" I was still on the bus "You fell asleep. I would have left you longer, but we're kinda lost... you know the area better than us, how do we get to your house?' I rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window, trying to work out where we were. "You're not lost. You just took one turn too early." I guided them back, showing them where they were supposed to turn to get to my house. We soon arrived, pulling up as my mom texted me

food is done, hurry up

My mom had put out the table in the garden, so that there was enough space for the extra four people who had come for food, and there was so much pizza that it could probably feed an army.

When we finished the pizza (Alan agreed it was the best he'd ever tasted) we boarded the tour bus once more and drove back to school for the evening performance. We had about two- and a-bit hours until we were supposed to be onstage, so while Alan talked to some of the teachers about our performance, we practised a couple of his songs, for a change. We were just rocking out in that little practise room but soon some of the other acts were crowding around the door, desperate to get the best view of our impromptu concert. By the time Alan arrived, the audience was all the way down the corridor, and he had to fight his way through the tutus, onesies, long dresses, tuxes and various costumes. "Was that 'tired' I could hear? It sounded good." He had a smile on his face as I nodded, and he started to play the original backing track for us to rehearse with.

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