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#0/Alan's P.O.V

I was outside all morning, helping sign the 7000 walkers who had arrived overnight and this morning into the base. When I left for my lunch break, the first thing I did was look for Chris. After asking several people whether they'd seen a Walker wearing white, and getting only the responses 'No.' and 'Can I wear a white hoodie?' I decided to ask if they'd seen marshmello, which didn't get me much better results.
"Last time I saw him, he was taking some teens to their dorms," #143 told me when I asked them.
"Like that helps. Oh well, Avem, go to Walker #1." I stated and he sped off.
"Thanks! And bye!" I called back to #143 as I hurried after my drone. Avem skimmed down corridor after corridor, dodging Walkers' heads by millimetres, and I was too starting to get worried. He was heading towards the hospital wing, what if Chris was hurt, and I wasn't there for him?! Don't be stupid, Alan, I told myself, you'd be the first person the medics would tell if Chris was injured, they know you'd go mental if they didn't. That didn't stop the sinking feeling in my gut as Avem rounded the next few corners, though, getting closer and closer to the Hospital. Infront of me, he turned a final corner, and dissapeared into the experimental testing/R+D lab. I probably should have called him back out, because I had no clue what was being tested in there, if anything, but I didn't, I ran in after him. Chris was working at a lab bench on the far side of the room, opposite Ken. They were both wearing welding masks, and were bent over a project that I couldn't see, showers of sparks regularly raining from the device on the desk. Making a shushing motion at Ken, who had clearly spotted me, I grabbed a mask so I could go over to them. I walked over, the mirrored material covering my entire face, and tapped Chris's shoulder. He jumped, startled, then put down the welding torch and turned to me. I laughed at his reaction.
"You're cute when you're scared." I flipped the mask up and kissed his cheek.
"God, Alan, you scared me!"
"No, Chris- you scared me." He looked at me, confused
"I thought you were in the hospital! Avem came zooming around this area, and I got really scared because I thought you got hurt!" He picked up the component he was working on and examined it carefully, reconnecting a couple of wires, then handed it to Ken.
"I'm done now, what do you want do you want to do?" I looked him in the eyes.
"Chris, it's my lunch break. I want to eat."
"Of course you do. Come on, I heard they've got tacos in the cafeteria." I stared at him, then legged it out of the lb towards the food hall. However, after only a couple of seconds, my boyfriend overtook me and sprinted down the corridor, and I did my best to chase him, but soon got a stitch and slowed down. We got a few funny looks from other walkers, but they didnt question us. I arrived, panting, at the cafeteria to find that Chris had ran the entire way without even breaking a sweat.
"How'd you do that?" I asked, grabbing a plate of tacos.
"What? Run like an olympian? It's called having Moe as a manager. Kidding- I train 5 hours a week. But Moe helps. I mean, when you get up at 8.30, but have to be two blocks away in 5 minutes, you learn to run fast or get yelled at for the rest of the month. That's why half of us Shalizi boys are hella in shape, and the other half have anger issues." I laughed at his sort-of joke, drawing attention from several individuals as we walked among the tables, but from two in particular.
"Alan! Mello! Over here!" Lewis called from where he was sat with Ken.
"I gather you sent my two best friends to Vietnam for the day- Don't you know what kind of trouble they could get in?!" Chris raised his eyebrows.
"What?! I'm just saying, have you seen the messes those two create? Ed nearly got kicked out of his house the other week, because he left some toast in the toaster too long! Iselin can hack the Pentagon, leak top secret files to the world, and blame it on the president without getting caught! The two of them have played to many pranks on Thomas [A/N, sorry I forgot to mention, Thomas is their Manager], then set it up to look as though I did it. Believe me, they're going to be banned from Vietnam when they return!"

#1- he's got a point. She got messed up in a gang war while we were in the US.

"Don't worry, #28300 won't take any shit from them." Before anyone could say anything else, Avem pinged with an incoming message from overseas. That meant that either Red Nexus had hacked the system, or my Vietnam sight team had sent me something. Luckily, it was the latter, Ise was livestreaming through AV-8, for some reason, and she had sent a link, with the caption 'ha ha, no packing up yet!'. My companions had evidently received the link as well, because they had gone quiet and were whispering to their drones as they ate. I instructed Avem to open the stream, and at first, I thought she was recording with AV-8's camera off, but then I noticed the very faint outline of three people and two drones just in the shot. They appeared to be walking along a tunnel that had no lights on. Then one of them tripped, and I heard Ed swear.
"Owww. Seriously, why are we walking down here without our flashlights on?" Seconds later, a blue glow illuminated the tunnel.
"That's why."

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