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#135/ Ace PoV

I hoped Alan knew what he was doing when he declared war on Red Nexus. I knew that all the walkers in the Bergen Centre would be working hard to prepare for the upcoming battles, gathering weapons and learning to use them, adapting them to fit specifications and work around their more- high tech equipment. I knew they would also be creating armour, adjusting it to protect them from Red Nexus' fancier energy weapons, but my role was even riskier than that of someone fighting on the battlefield. To be fair to them though, I'd been in danger since the start. 

Alan had somehow managed to find out about the group of ex-walkers banding together relatively early, within months of them first discussing the idea, and I immediately volunteered to spy for him, to be the loophole in Red Nexus' security. I was his primary information source, handing over top secret files and security codes almost daily, helping to provide intel on attacks and weaknesses within Red Nexus. Being one of the first recruited to the cause, Red Nexus trusted me, and I had quickly got quite a hefty promotion, resulting in a large influence on what happened within the company, allowing me to get more walkers within the ranks.

The decision to declare war added a whole other layer of risk to my job, though- the plot to rescue the walkers held captive meant I could have to reveal my true colours, as someone had to lead the task force to the cells where they were being kept.

I looked down at the file on my desk; the CEO had requested a list of the resources available to the walkers. Unfortunately this did require me to hand over the paper containing our assets, although I could get away with not mentioning that mass production had begun on combat suits that could turn people invisible and allow them access to more unorthodox weaponry such as fire, water and EMPs right from their heads up display, that needed to stay secret after all. I quickly thought of an idea to get the rescue team inside and messaged Alan the updated plan before adding something to the document for my boss.

0/ Alan PoV

Iselin didn't wake up that night. 

She didn't wake up the next day either. I had trouble getting Ed out of the hospital room for training, and ended up practically dragging him to the gym so he could learn weapons maintenance and battle tactics in a field environment. Meanwhile #135 sent over a plan to get the walkers out of Red Nexus' clutches, so I set about putting it into action, which mainly required getting in touch with a young walker already within the Red Nexus ranks, who was good at acting.

The textiles department carried on making Iselin's drone suits for the rest of the base, and we constantly had drones excavating dormitories for K's Army and the mellogang members turning up daily. As the week went by, I grew more and more anxious about Ise, who had quite clearly miscalculated how long she was going to be out for by a long way. At night, I would often sneak down to the hospital and visit her, curling up on the bean bag and wrapping myself in blankets uncased in a fluffy burrito, then sleeping there with the soft beeping of the health monitors assuring me she was still alive.

On the sixth day of being in hospital, Ise finally woke up. I had spent the night on my beanbag, on the opposite side of Ise's bed to Ed, who never let go of her hand when he was in the room, even when he was asleep, and woke up to her tossing and turning in her bed, the first sign of life from her since she had collapsed. Ed, too, had woken to this, and was gripping his girlfriends hand even tighter than before, clearly worried about her. I tried to wake her, knowing the medics would not be happy with me, but neither me, nor Ed, who looked as though he could burst into tears at any moment, could take it anymore, and to my surprise, she opened her eyes when I shook the bed.

19013/ Iselin PoV

I broke the surface, gasping for breath, to find myself in complete white. Then a person came into view, blurry and without the now familiar walker ID. In fact, there was no information at all.
"Who took my contacts?" I groaned, pulling a pillow over my face to cool my face down as the figure muttered something to someone else, who I realised was holding my hand.


I knew it instantly.
"Nightmare?" The first figure asked me, handing over my contacts and earpiece. I recognised the voice as Alan's, but my eyes still wouldn't let me see him properly so I reached up, rubbing them until my vision cleared.
"I assume I'm in the hospital? And did you do what I wanted yesterday, Alan?" Ed made a strange noise, almost like a whimper, and tightened his grip on my hand while Alan's face paled slightly.

0/ Alan PoV

"Not yesterday I didn't, Ise," I replied hesitantly, pinging a doctor via Avem, to notify them that she was awake.
"Huh? Why not?" she asked, and peeked out from under her pillow. 
"Uhm, well, it seems your calculations were incorrect- by quite a margin, too. You've been out for a week..." I explained, fiddling with my sleeve.
"Oh. "

This girl I swear- 'oh'?

Just then, a medic came through the door and ordered me and Ed out of the room, and we left, accompanied by many complaints from my teenage companion. After a couple of minutes, the medic came out again.
"If it happens again, just take her to her dorm, Alan" He told me.
"If she's out for more than 24 hours we'll bring her here then. She's ready to leave, she's just getting changed now." He explained, and sure enough, Ise appeared behind him, wearing her combat suit once more, the rest of her things in a bag on her back. 

We walked along the corridors, headed for our dorms and I explained everything that had happened while she was unconscious. We reached our block to find an annoyed-looking Chris giving me an evil-eyed stare standing outside my room. 

Uh Oh.

"Where've you been Al? I missed you!" He asked, arms crossing over his chest.
"Ise woke up?" I replied
"And you went to get her without getting dressed? Totally accurate." He nodded towards my clothes, highlighting the fact that I was only wearing an oversized hoodie and boxers. I rolled my eyes and stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek, before I ran into our room to change. I pulled on the jumpsuit, now free of blood (thankfully) and tied the laces on the boots before grabbing my gloves and rifle and leaving the room. Ise clearly raised an eyebrow at the weapon, but didn't ask any questions when I led her off to the cafeteria.
"19010, get changed and have a shower!" I called over my shoulder as we left, Ed still chatting to Chris in the hall between our two dorms,
"You look like you haven't washed in a week, which you probably haven't!"

In the line for food in the Cafeteria, I finally breached the topic.
"Soooo, can you shoot? I mean, you obviously expected you were going to miss at least a bit of training, but it didn't bother you." She looked up from her tray, where her data pad was laying, open on a blueprint of some kind.
"Well, yeah I can shoot guns, but I prefer a bow and arrow because they're quieter and have less recoil. If you get the setup right, they can generally shoot just about as far too, so its ideal for me." She turned the datapad towards me, showing a diagram of a heavily modified recurve bow. I nodded, and we collected our food in silence.

A/N: Double update woooooooo. things are getting serioussssssssssss. Thanks for reading guys, i'll see you in the next one, it'll probably be up sometime tomorrow :)

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