Chapter 8: The Party At Yaoyorozu Mansion

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   After the drive to the Yaoyorozu Mansion. Izuku and Momo are now sitting in her room. They both enjoyed their first date. While the two talking Momo's got a phone call.

Izuku: "Who is it Momo?" he asked.

Momo: "It's my mom." she said while answering the call.

Momo: "Hi, mom." 

Asami: "Hi sweetheart. How was your date today?" she asked her daughter.

Momo: "It was great. We had a lot of fun." she said with a smile.

Asami: "Good... Now. I want you two to get a bath and wear something good. Some of my and Inko's friends will be coming tonight. Just you two don't go over the top."

Momo: "Okay mom. Don't worry, anything else?" 

Asami: "That's all for now, dear. See you two tonight." she said as she hangs up the call.

Izuku: "So... What did she say?" 

Momo: "We need to wear something nice because there will be people coming tonight." Momo said as she kissed Izuku.

Momo: "Aaannddd... She said we need to get a bath before doing that." Her voice suddenly changed to a seductive tone.

Izuku: "Let's get going then." Izuku said while picking up Momo, bridal style, and start walking to the bath.

Momo: "Are we going in together?" 

Izuku: "Do you have something to say about it?"

Momo: "No." she said while kissing Izuku as the two entered the bath to relax and have some more "fun" to pass some time at home.

   A couple of hours passed, and the sun is already down now. Izuku was wearing a white shirt and black jeans while Momo was wearing a white shirt with a red skirt. Inko already came 2 hours ago and changed her clothes. She was wearing a short emerald green dress with white trousers. An hour later, Asami came home too. She has some little bags with her. The pale woman rushed to take a bath after greeting her family. 20 minutes later. She comes down while wearing a black blazer with a dark purple shirt inside and black trousers. Everyone is ready now for the guests.

   Not long after, guests are started coming. An hour later, everyone arrived at the mansion. There are not that many people. Most of them are CEOs of other companies that working with Asami's. Other peoples are Izuku's mother's friends from her hero work. Izuku recognizes some of the people in the crowd. Midnight, Eraser Head, Ryukyu, Best Jeanist, and Snipe were Inko's friends. There is also UA's principal, Nezu. Momo told Izuku that her mother and Nezu were good friends from the past. Izuku nodded while asking Momo why they didn't wear something more appropriate for this kind of party. Momo replied to the green-haired boy that her mother doesn't like people wearing super fancy things because it forces people to shade their true colors. Then the young couple starts talking with some of the heroes in the room. Izuku is talking with Eraser Head or know as Shota Aizawa, about other heroes and villains. While Momo is talking with Ryukyu and Midnight about her relationship with Izuku. Inko is talking with Snipe and Best Jeanist. At the same time, Asami is talking with Nezu and the CEOs in the room about business.

   An hour passed, and some of the people were left the mansion. Because of their lives or they need to attend more businesses tomorrow. Now. Just the heroes, Nezu, and 2-3 CEOs, and some of Asami's personal assistants were left along with Endeavor and Shoto that arrived about 20 minutes ago. Asami walked in front of the remaining people and cough loudly to get the attention of everyone.

Asami: "Now... I wanna talk about why I made this little party. The truth is, this party's purpose was to tell all of you about something important for me. Well... actually rather more to ask a question to someone." she said while slowly walking towards Inko.

   Everyone looked at Asami, who is now standing in front of Inko Midoriya. While everyone is silently waiting for Asami to say something.

Asami: "Inko... I'm going to ask something that I've wanted to say for quite a while." the pale woman said as she got down on one knee in front of her.

Asami: "Inko Midoriya. Will you marry me?" Asami said to Inko as she pulled a small black box. 

Inside the box, there is a beautiful engagement ring. The ring has a giant diamond and two smaller ones on the sides. Even the "small" ones are enough for an engagement ring of its own. Everyone is shocked by this as they don't know about this relationship. Even Izuku and Momo were shocked, as they didn't expect this to happen a day after, they tell them about their relationship. Inko is crying from happiness.

Inko: "Y-y-yes Asami... I-I-I w-will marry you." she hardly said as her tears running down on her cheeks, while Asami is putting the ring on her finger.

   Endeavor isn't happy because he is trying to get an arranged marriage with Asami for a while. At the same time, marriage between Shoto and Momo. Other people were congratulating the couple as Todorokis stood at their place without a word. Endeavor's plan is gone now because Momo already refused Shoto's proposal multiple times, and Asami isn't going to accept something that Momo didn't want. Him, marrying Asami was the only way for Endeavor to get what he wanted, until today. As "The Number 2 Hero" leave the mansion defeated.

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