Charter 1: An Unwanted Visit

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Spring, a quite unbalanced and unpredictable weather. Coming right after the winter, it brings back the warmth that was taken away. The light and change of season promote plants to bloom, animals to find companionship and humans to get out of their houses.

However, easily a rain will come out of nowhere. Aiming to hydrate the earth, offer the vital liquid to plants and animals that need it. The winds will come warm or cold, sometimes changing during the day.

One would say that those changes are too unpredictable for a simple planet. Some might even joke that someone else is messing with it; and they would be right. For the change of seasons and the gems beneath the earth, all bow to the woman that was created with them.

In the middle of a big harvest field, the wheat moved along with the wind. Freshly planted, they are still small, weak and green; missing their signature yellow colour. As they bend by the wind, the shadow of a person is casted above them.

The sound of a song being hummed, as gently as a mother would to her newborn baby, echoed. Carried by the wind, the figure kept walking among the plants, careful not to step on any of them. Gentle hands, covered skin at the tone of olive, would gently brush each plant.

Green hair flowed freely, letting the wind carry them up and down as the figure walked. Bare feet against the soft ground, a white roman dress covering the body of the unknown figure.

White in color, the material thin as a silk but gracefully falling on the body. Red and gold outlines giving it some color, accompanying the golden trinkets and decoartion hanging from the loose twin brown belts.

The humming continued, the hand gently touching each plant that was quick to grow taller as if magic was behind it. Golden covers kept the lower arm protected from the sun and anything else that might try to harm the being.

The being was no other than a 17 year old girl. Her green hair, a shade that would rival the healthiest of plants, was accompanied by eyes greener than the emeralds hidden beneath the earth. A gentle smile on the rosy small lips and a special hairdresser forming a bay leaf crown on top of her head.

The girl kept walking, fully in her own word and being unaware of the golden eyes staring at her from the shadows

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The girl kept walking, fully in her own word and being unaware of the golden eyes staring at her from the shadows. White sharp teeth glowed once the mouth formed a smirk, watching like a predator the young maiden. Then, the shadows shifted and the eyes were gone.


A while later, the girl had moved deeper into the field. No building, tree or lifeform was close. There was a sudden silence, even the insects were absent which strike odd with the green haired maiden. She came to a halt once she sensed that she was not alone anymore.

"You always hum this tone whenever you work" a voice said, causing the girl's eyes to open slightly.

The voice was familiar with what someone would say, a british accent. Holding some authority and malice, like the touch of a very cold blade pressed against the skin.

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