Chapter 12: Guardians vs Boogeyman

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Jamie held out his hand in front of the Nightmares. When they ran into it, they burst into Dream-sand. The kids got excited and so did the Guardians; Pitch not so much.

The dream sand started to gather around them and they welcomed it with a smile. The faint presence of the lost guardian seemed to balance the scales that had turned against them and ended up with their powers diminishing.

The energy moved around them and one by one, they all could feel their old selves returning.

Tooth was first, her wings flapping to life and she quickly started to fly.

"Yeah, Tooth Fairy!" the kids cheered for her.

North was next, the colour returning to his skin and so did his strength. He stood his tall and mighty height, the cut glasses on his hands ready to slash down the enemy.

"Oh yeah!" A kid named Monty cheered.

"No! Get them! Do your job!" Pitch shouted at his army, suddenly feeling worried as he saw the Guardians recovering.

Bunny closed his eyes and looked hopeful. "Oh yeah, come on, come on! *Nightmares pursue him* Oh crikee!" He bounced away.

North left out a growl and smashed two globes on the ground, opening two portals, through which yetis came - ready to attack.

The kids were fully entertained by now and whatever fear they once had, disappeared.

Back at the Bunny, he tried to find refuge under a car. "' M just a bunny!" *A Nightmare grabbed his tail and dragged him out, but he's back to his regular form again, hanging upside down. "G' day, mate" He pumped his feet, knocking out the Nightmare that was holding him. Somersaulted into the air and tossed his boomerang towards another and then caught it. Next, he tapped the ground and up come his Easter Island Statue Warriors. "Come on!"

A cacophony of combat started.

"Let's get 'em!" One of the kids shouted and charged, her fist raised.

Two elves came riding up on the truck normally used for opening & closing North's elevator door. One jumped forward to gnaw on a Nightmare's foot.

At the same time, the kids touched the Nightmares and turned them into more Dream-sand.

Gaia watched with amusement at everything that was going on around her, her heart beating from happiness and adrenaline. The golden sand reached her and she gently touched it, feeling Sandy's energy passing into her body.

Her bracelet glowed with power and she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Thank you, Sandy," she said and noticed that Pitch had decided to leave the party early.

However, the guardians would have none of it as they all left the battle and charged at the retreating Pitch.

Bunny tapped his foot on the ground, creating a tunnel that both North and he used to try and gain ground advantage against Pitch.

At the same time, Jack had started to fly after Pitch but the Nightmares tried to ambush and stop him. To his rescue came Tooth, who lifted her fist and fast flew through the Nightmares, smashing them into pieces of sand.

"Thanks, Tooth!" Jack shouted as he continued his pursuit.

More Nightmares attacked him but his friends and fellow Guardians had his back.

Bunny appeared from a chimney and mimicked North's known catchphrase as he threw his boomerang at a nightmare that was following Jack.

Suddenly, someone called him out.

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