Chapter 8: First Loss

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Their last stop was a familiar city in Pennsylvania. Tooth and Jack were at Jami's house. The fairy took the tooth and examined it while Jack was staring at one particular drawing of Jami flying on the sleigh, his friends beneath him cheering.

"Left central incisor, knocked out in a freak sledging accident. I wonder how that could have happened, Jack?" Tooth asked him.

"Hehehe, kids, huh?" he said and turned to look at her.

Tooth smiled, spun a coin between her fingers and slipped it under the pillow, then hovered over Jamie. "This was always the part I liked most...seeing the kids. *Crosses her arms* Why did I ever stop doing this?"

"Hm. Looks a little different up close, huh?"

"Thanks for being here, Jack," she said as she flew towards him. "I wish I'd known about your memory. I coulda' helped you"

"Yeah, well, look let's just get you taken care of, then it's Pitch's turn"

"Sounds like a good plan," A new voice said and they turned towards the source of it.

Gaia climbed through the open window and stepped to the side, to allow North to come after her. She looked at the room and the sleeping boy, incapable of holding back a smile when her eyes fell on Jamie.

North tried hard to squeeze in through the window and eventually managed, almost losing his balance in the process. "Here you are! *Groans as he finally gets into the room, Sandman in tow*"

"Ssh!" Tooth and Gaia motioned and then pointed at the sleeping Jamie.

Santa Claus noticed and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Oh! What gives, slowpokes? How you are feeling, Toothy?"

"Believed in" she replied with a big smile and excitement.

Gaia smiled, happy that things finally turned their way and most importantly; that her friend was back in power and good mood. The plan worked and their future seemed slightly brighter than before.

"Hah! That's what I want to hear"

Bunny suddenly came up from one of his special holes, at the other corner of the room. "Oh, I see how it is. All working together to make sure the rabbit gets the last place"

Tooth North hushed him for the sake of Jamie, while Gaia rolled her eyes and folded her hands in front of her chest. Her friend was, sometimes, quite paranoid of certain things. She used to tease him, blaming it on the nature of the bunny. Considering those animals were always on guard, looking up at every small sound they heard; for that sound could mean their lives were threatened.

Jack was the only one who smirked. "Uh, you think I need help to beat a bunny? *Pulls out his bag* Check it out, Peter Cottontail!"

"You call that a bag'a choppers? *Pulls out his bigger bag* Now that's a bag'a choppers"

"Gentlemen, gentlemen, this is about Tooth, it's not a competition *slams his giant sack on the floor* but if it was, I win! YEE-HA!!" North shouted and started to dance around.

Suddenly a light clicked on in their faces and everyone turns to look at the now awake Jamie who was pointing at them with his flashlight. The boy gasped and placed the light on each one of them.

"Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Sandman, the Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!" he said and then his flashlight was dropped on Gaia, who was at the far end of the group. At first, he was confused but then noticed her hair and the flower behind her ear. " are..." he gasped, a big smile on his face; showing everyone the gap from his missing tooth. "Mother Nature!"

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now