Chapter 3: Guardians... Assemble

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It would take sometime before the other Guardians were to arrive. Despite the urgency of the meeting, they had distance to cover. This gave a chance for Gaia to roam around the workshop, see how much it had changed since the last time she was there.

In the meantime, North was waiting in the main room. With his hands folded in front of his chest, his back straight and he kept his blue eyes glued on the sphere.

Time passed before the first Guardian arrive. A woman-humingbird hybrid flew from the open window, small tiny hummingbird fairies flying around her and following.

"Tooth, you are here!" North reclaimed, noticing her and spreading his hands in a welcoming manner.

The woman smiled but quicky focused on her small fairies that kept giving her reports of the teeth that were constantly being gathered.

A few minutes later and an airplane made from golden sand flew in. The pilot jumped out and slowly levitated towards the ground as he let his place to circle the workshop a few times before disappearing.

"Sandy! You made it!" North welcomed as he approached the small man with his arms open. The small man formed different signs above his head, madenfeom golden dust and projecting his question. "I know, I know. You have a lot of work to do. I wouldn't have called you here if it wasn't important. Cookie?" He had grabbed a disk filled with cookies from an elf and passed it to the mute guardian.

The three guardians stayed gathered until the last one arrived. Hoping inside the room, the tall Pooka held his big paws that had frozen from walking on the snow for so long. Heading quicky for the fireplace, he let his feet get warms and get back the sense of feeling until North motioned for them to look at him.

"The reason why I gathered you here is... the Boogieman is back!" He informed them.

"Pitch, Pitch Black?" Tooth asked as she flew lower in order to listen to every word.

"The lights on the globe turned on and off as black sand covered it whole and then a Shadow of his-"

"A shadow?" Bunny repeated. "Thought you said it was him, not just a shadow"

"Yeah but-"

Bunny proceeded to fight with North. It started with the fact that Bunny had to prepare for easter and ended up with them arguing over which holiday is more important: Christmas or Easter.

Tooth had flown a little away and tried to coordinate her baby tooth fairies and hear their report on teeth.

Only Sandy stayed calm, since he always was and add the fact, he never said a world. He drank some milk and was about to eat a cookie when an elf took it from him. Annoyed he was about to smack the greedy small fella who was licking his cookie when something got his attention.

The light from the big moon entered from the glass ceiling part as the moon moved higher and higher above them. A crescent moon appeared on his head and tried to draw everyone's attention but his action was in vain.

An idea came to his mind as he grabbed the elf from the hat and shook it up and down, making the bell on top of its red hat to make a loud sound that drew the guardian's attention. When he was satisfied, he dropped the poor elf and pointed at the crescent moon on top of his head and then at the light that came from the big moon.

"Aha. Man in the moon. It's been a long-time old friend" North, greeted the giant planet as his light kept glowing a specific way before stopping above a circle with the shaped of the 4 guardians.

A familiar shadow took form above Sandy's symbol, the shadow representing the face and head of Pitch.

"It is Pitch" Bunny finally agreed.

"And if this is not enough proof. I saw him with my own eyes" a new voice said and Gaia made herself known.

She had been watching for a while now but she did not want to interfere. All eyes were on her and the faces of the guardian's changed, especially the one of Tooth and Bunny.

"Gaia!" They exclaimed and rushed to her.

Tooth was the first to hug her, spinning her on the air slightly but not too high. Remembering that Gaia did not like being away from the ground for too long.

Once let down, big arms embraced her and lifted her up slightly. Warm fur tickling her skin.

"Good to see you too old friend" she said with a smile and the eyes of a young girl.

From all.the guardians, those two were her closest friends. Even though tooth was rarely coming to earth, Gaia visited her at her tooth palace.

As for Bunny, she constantly travelled to his place when she had time. His little island being a paradise for her. In addition, she also assisted with keeping the weather's warm and nice for the egg hunts while guiding kids with flower paths towards the hidden eggs. Those two made a very good team in both fighting and working.

The small moment was interrupted when the light from the moon shifted and fell on the middle of the four signs. A second later, a blue crystal appeared, and the 4 guardians stood at their respective places as the crystal rose higher and higher.

"Do you know what that means?!" North said excited.

"Man in the moon is choosing a new guardian" Gaia said as she stood at the side, watching carefully and with a faint smile on her face and some childish excitement.

She wouldn't mind having another spirit joining them. Actually, it was much better. Since she would not personally join their war, she would feel.assured they had some extra help.

"Wait, why?" Bunny asked.

"He must think that we need help" North guessed.

Suddenly, Gaia realised something. If the powerful guardian indeed believed they needed help. Then that meant Pitch was most likely more powerful than last time. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of the guardians being in danger.

"I wonder who it might be" Tooth exclaimed and started to guess along with her little assistants who was the lucky one.

"Please don't be the trolls. Not the trolls. Not the trolls" Bunny repeated again and again, eyes closed.

Finally, the crystal showed the figure of the next guardian.

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now