Chapter 5: Not So Happy Reunions

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"He's here! Quiet!" North said in excitement as he approached the sac while trying to shush Tooth, but it didn't truly work. "Hey...! There he is! Jack Frost!"

"Wow... You gotta be kidding me" Jack exclaimed as he stood where he was and was looking at each one of them. Two Yetis hoisted him up to stand. "Hey, hey! Put me down!"

"I hope the Yetis treated you well?"

"Oh yeah, I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal"

At least his sense of humour is intact, Gaia thought and watched with amusement and curiosity.

"Oh. Good! That was my idea. You know Bunny, obviously"


unny muttered things under his breath while walking towards the only person in the room he tolerated; Gaia.

She gave him a friendly tap on the shoulder as he joined close to her while North proceeded to introduce the rest of the team.

"Obviously" Jack replied, amused by the reaction of the Pooka.

Yet his eyes fell on the green haired maiden next to him. Before he could ask her anytning or even approach, North continued.

"And the Tooth Fairy-" before North could finish his sentence, the said guardian speed flew at Jack.

"Hello, Jack! I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!" she said quickly as her baby teeth fairies flew around her.

"My- my what?"

"Open up! Are they really as white as they say? *forces his mouth open and observes his teeth* Yes- Oh! Oh, they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow. *Tooth Fairies swoon in the background* Girls, pull yourself together. Let's not disgrace the uniform" she corrected them, and they all flew back to their place, their day gladly made after seeing Jack's teeth.

"And Sandman. Sandy?" North and everyone watched as the guardian was fast asleep while levitating a little above the ground "Sandy? *Nudges him* Wake up! *Sandman startles awake and descends to the floor*


The man waved in return, not hiding his smile and happiness. Then, North went to the mysterious woman that Jack had first seen.

"And Gaia" he introduced as the girl took a few steps forward, a smile on her face and a hand extended.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Jack"

"My pleasure...I mean...mine too..." he mumbled and corrected himself embarrassed before he shook her hand.

There was an unusual feeling from both parties. Jack's hand were soft, his skin a milky white and his temperature obviously cold. Gaia's, though, was much rougher and warmer, while her darker skin tone was in contrast with his.

"I am sorry...uhmm...Gaia? I am not that familiar with your name" he admitted once they pulled their hands back.

Laughter erupted from North who moved and placed both hands on her shoulders, adding the slight pressure. "Gaia here is not like us. You might know her as Mother Nature"

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now