Chapter 11: New mission...protect the last light!

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Gaia watched defeated as Pitch dancing across the Globe, killing one by one the lights. There were so few left and their numbers kept dropping.

It made it worse when he started to count them down. The maiden if the earth had fell on her knees, her knuckles hurting from holding the bars so firmly. The tooth fairies had stopped flying, losing their last ability with the loss of all those believers. It made her wonder and think of her Guardian friends, how much they must be suffering.

Even if they knew where she was, they would not be able to help. Their powers would abandon them as fast as Pitch killers the last lights of believers. There was truly no victory in sight...not for them.

"5...4...3..." Pitch counted, jumping across continents to step on the last lights. "...2....1..." at the last light, he had chosen to keep his back turned and simply snap his finger the right time.

However, when he did that, nothing happened. He tried again before he turned to tower over the last believer's light. He growled in annoyance as the light refused to die.

He straightened himself and whistled for one of his sand horses to appear. He climbed on top of it and looked at Gaia. "I will be back soon, Gaia. And you better have made up your mind"

With those words, he disappeared into the shadows and left Gaia alone, to stare at the last light. She knew which light was...their strongest believers...Jamie.



aia was not sure how long had passed since Pitch felt, but it sure to her felt like it was weeks if not months. All the baby tooth faries kept looking at her for guidance but she was as lost as them. She had turned her back on the globe, not having the strength to look at the last light that would eventually go away as well.

In the silence of the darkness, she picked up a faint noise before a familiar person flew into the main underground room.

"Jack?" She questioned, for a moment not believing that the spirit had found them.

But at the same time, she could not be any happier about it. The spirit for a moment did not seem to have noticed her, as he opened all the cage doors and told the baby fairies to escape.

"What's the matter?" He asked them, once he realised they could not move.

"They can't fly Jack, not without any believers left" Gaia said again, her tone ore motherly as she held the bars once again and pressed her face more against them.

"Gaia?" He questioned once he heard her voice. He turned and finally spotted her inside the bigger cage, before he quickly flew towards her. "I will get you out of here" he said and was about to try and black the cage open but she stopped him.

"No" she said its a sad look, pleading him not to. He was confused but she quickly continued. "Leave me, Jack. Pitch is after the last believer, you have to protect him or the guardians will be gone for good"

Jack looked at her with mixed emotions as he was conflicted. He wanted to help Gaia, get her out of there and somewhere safe. Heck, even bring her with him than leaving her inside that cage for Pitch to find her.

But then he looked above his shoulder at the last light and he knew the location, and whom that believer was. He looked at the pleading eyes of Gaia and understood. Jamie was a priority, she would have done the same.

"I will be back for you, I promise" he said, placing his cold hand against her warm one.

Gaia could not help but smile, wishing she could do more than just hold hands with him. But the time and place did not give them that luxury. "I know. Go now"

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now