Chapter 4: New Guardian Initiation

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"Jack Frost" North called out the name of the spirit, recognizing its figure on the special moon crystal.

At the mention of the mischievous and yet unrecognized spirit, Tooh and her little helpers left out a sigh and had a daydream look on their faces.

But Bunny was the one having objections. "I prefer the trolls"

It was not unknown the conflict between the Pooka and the spirit of winter. After all, Jack's mischievous nature always caused troubles during the egg hunt season and easter by messing with the weather.

"Hmm. A true guardian" North continued, passing a hand above his white beard.

"Jack frost is a lot of things but he is not a guardian"

As the arguments continued with Noth not changing his mind or his excitement, Gaia kept looking at the image of Jack.

She had never truly met Jack, her job always keeping her too busy but he had managed to annoy her when he brought snow for fun, messing with the season circle of her plants. Yet she never had faced him face to face nor  stayed to observe him.

She glanced at the man in the moon, wanting more answers as to what she should do next. Should she stay or leave? And if Jack was the new chosen one, did that mean he was powerful enough to stop Pitch without her interfering or participating.

She truly hoped so.


After it had been decided that he would be kidnapped and introduced to everything by night fall, North begged Gaia to stay more; until the initiation ceremony.

In the end, she gave in but she wanted to finish some unfinished works first. Which was not entire true, since she also had a second goal in mind.

Finishing her job by blessing and helping baby flower and tree sprouts to make it through the cold winter across Europe, she had enough time to go and observe Jack slightly.

She trusted the judgement of Manny more than anything else, but she was curious and she wanted to observe him from close. Test him as someone would say.

This is how she found herself in Burgess, Pennsylvania. The city where Jack messed around the most. Coming from the earth itself, the green haired maiden followed the sound of laughter and kids playing.

It was not unknown that Jack favored kids, making them laugh with his snow and ice abilities while also trying to be acknowledged by them. She walked towards it, avoiding humans.

Just like Jack, to adults she was invisible and people could walk right through her. It was not something she liked, always making her feel empty and cold. Kids on the other hand, could see her if they were already believers of the other guardians. However, non believers could not, since her influence and origin came from Manny, like the other guardians.

She hid behind a tree, watching a group of young kids, friends. All strong believers, they were caught up in a snowball fight. Jack in the middle throwing snowballs too and laughing, for a moment forgetting he was not visible to them.

She could not help but watch, hands on the bark of the tree and the eyes of the mother focused on the children. They were always her number one weakness, even though she did not need their belief to keep her powers and maintain her presence, since she was not such kind of spirit.

Her job, unfortunately, kept her very busy and she rarely hard time to be more with them. In addition, her name or appearance was hard to explain since the kids were not aware of who Mother Nature is. It was hard, and the kids already knew the big guardians from their books and stories.

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now