Chapter 7: North Has a Plan

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For they ended up landed on soft grass, to a different part of the Tooth Palace and there was no sign of the boogeyman.

"He's gone" Bunny realised.

"No..." Gaia left out a sigh, shaking her head slightly.

The feeling of soft grass and earth offered her some comfort after everything that took place in such a short amount of time, her heart still beating with adrenaline after so many centuries of peace.

She turned her attention to Tooth who was flying slowly, her head low. She was staring at the wall where a drawing of the fairies and her, being represented as their job to keep the Teeth safe.

"He will pay" she heard North say as she watched Jack talking with Tooth, trying to comfort her.

Gaia let them be as the bow returned to the bracelet form and she clapped it around her left upper arm. Leaving out a sigh, she felt a mild headache coming up, her body and mostly her mind having passed too much.

Using her special bracelet always tired her and she required rest, unlike the majority of the guardians. She needed to retreat to her special place, on earth, to reconnect with nature.

The more she continued without rest, the more she would get weaker. However, for now, she had to persevere and she knew she could still handle things that got thrown her way.

"But, I- I wasn't anyone before I was Jack Frost" she heard Jack saying, making her focus back on the present.

"Well of course you were. We were all someone before we were chosen" Tooth told him as the trio approached them.


"You should have seen Bunny!" North said.

"Hey, I told you to never mention that!" Bunny exclaimed, making Gaia chuckle.

She was technically older than all the guardians but she had not seen them when they were chosen, only after. But she had heard stories they shared across the centuries when the children of the world were much less and their work not as time-consuming.

Hers always was but she found a way for them. They were her company, her friends and in a way...her family.

"And Gaia...!..." North continued with the same excitement but then stopped.

Not only because the maiden looking at him with a lifted eyebrow, but also because he realised he didn't have an answer. Gaia's case was complicated and it was not truly clear as to why she was created or how.

"That's not the point. The point is Jack" she looked at him with eyes full of empathy. "You were someone before you became who you are now".

"The night at the pond, I just...I assumed... Are you saying, are you saying I had a life? Before that, w- I- With a, with a home? And- and a family?"

The Earth Maider took his hand into hers, her warmth clashing with his cold but it felt reassuring for Jack. Gaia did not know that Jack could not remember, considering the fact that Manny chose him for a reason.

But yet again, the man on the moon was not always the most open or talkative. Many times, his intentions and words had a deeper meaning, connected with something that he saw in the future.

"You don't remember?" Tooth asked him.

"All these years the answers were right here... If I find my memories, then I'll know why I'm here. Ya have to show me!" he said as he stood up and with one hand grabbed hers and the other grabbed Tooth's.

"I- I can't, Jack. Pitch has them"

"Then we have to get them back!" he said as he released them

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now