Chapter 6: Pitch's First Attack

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As the group quicky descended down to the lower levels, Jack turned to Santa Claus. "North, I told you! I'm not going with you guys! There is no way I am climbing into some rickety old... sleigh..." his words were cut short as the two spirits came to a halt.

As they exited the elevator, they came face to face with a very modern, majestic, fast and well equipped slay. It was way more modernize, huge and with very nice paint. It looked fast and actually capable of more than just flying.

The reindeers were already tied, getting excited to pull along as the bells from their collars echoed with each movement. Yetis and Elves were busy putting the latest adjustments.

"Okay. One ride, but that's it" Jack admitted as he joined North on the sleigh.

Gaia joined quicky, taking a seat to the back, at the very left, next to Sandy, Bunny in the middle and Jack at the face right. She had travelled with the sleigh before and it was not that had. Of course, if she had a second choice to travel, she would take it. Thankfully, the wooden floor offered her some comfort and she simply kept reminding herself that tooth was needing her help.

"Buckle up!" she heard North say and immediately Bunny tried to find the seatbelts only to see none.

"Woah Woah! Where're the bloody seatbelts?" the Pooka asked in panic.

"Hah! That was just expression. Are we ready?" he asked the Yeti who protested negatively. "Let's go!" he ignored them and cracked the reins.

The reindeers started to run, pulling the sleigh with a new speed. Bunny started to howl in fear and Gaia placed her hand on his paw for comfort but also for mutual support. The ride was not that bad when the sleigh was already flying, but the  beginning was always the least favorite part of hers.

Jack, on the other hand, chuckled in delight.

"I hope you like the loop-de-loops!" North said as the said twisty path started.

"I hope you like carrots" Bunny's nail dragged lines on the wooden railing. Sandy, on the other hand, lifted his arms up like he was on a roller-coaster.

Jack cheered as they raced off the ramp and into the air, mostly stable now.

Gaia left out a breath she was holding, feeling the sleigh more stable. She turned to look at Jack only to see him being blown away by the wind and off the sleigh. Her eyes doubled for a moment, but before she could speak off, Bunnu did.

"Oh! Oh- North! He's, he- huhuh..." he Looked over the side of the sleigh.

Jack was sitting on the runners and was looking smug. "Aww, you do care"

Now flustered, the Easter guardian looked front again. "Oh, rack off, ya bloody show pony!"

Gaia smiled slightly and would have found the situation more amusing if she didnt have so many things in her mind. It kind of made sense that Jack was okay, considering he was capable of flying and she had witnessed it first hand.a

Then she recalled the true reason they were so high up to the air. "North. The Tooth Palace"

She reminded as suddenly the mother took over, eyes aging and looking wiser as well as more caring. It intensified the scolding look and tone she used.

"Hold on everyone, I know a shortcut!" North shouted from the front, also remembering the dangers.

"Oh! Oh strewth! I knew we should have taken the tunnels!"

"I say... *He turns the snow globe around and speaks at it* Tooth Palace"

A portal appeared and the sleigh drove through it.

Mother Nature (Jack Frost x OC x Obsessed: Pitch)Where stories live. Discover now