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Wanda sat on the edge of her bed with a blank expression, she stared at the cream wall for a while before standing up and slowly trudging towards the small bathroom. Turning on the tap she splashed her face with cold water.

There was a small knock at the door and a voice spoke out "Wanda, you here?". Wanda stepped out the bathroom to see Nat standing in her bedroom "Yeah," Wanda grabbed a jumper and pulled it over her head.

"Is that jumper Auroras?" Nat sat down on Wanda's bed. "Yeah but it no longer smells like her," Wanda sat down next to Nat and lay her head on Nat's shoulder "I miss her Nat."

"I know, I miss her too." Nat patted Wanda's shoulder "But she wouldn't want you to mope and grieve forever you know?"

Wanda took a shaky breathe and exhaled slowly "I know, it just hurts."

"Tony came by earlier with some of her old stuff he found, he thought you might want to look through it,"

"How many boxes of stuff," Wanda was back staring to the wall, she found she did that a lot.

"Just the one Wanda," Nat got up from the bed and wandered to the door "How about you go over to Tony and Pepper's for lunch today? It would be good to see Morgan and socialise for a bit."

"Not today Nat I don't feel up to it," Wanda lay down on the bed.

"Ok that's fine just make sure you do something today."

Nat walked over to the windows of the bedroom and pulled the curtains open, she then made Wanda's bed. Wanda looked up at Nat and smiled. 

"Maybe I will go to Tony's for lunch,"


Wanda and Nat drove along the quiet road towards Tony and Peppers cabin. The sun shone over the lake making shards of light bounce of everything.

Nat pulled a small box out of her jacket pocket and passed it to Wanda "Aurora wanted me to give you this incase something happened to her, and well I guess it did. I didn't know when to give you it and I didn't know if I was ever going to but you need to have it and I promised her,". Wanda looked at Nat then the small black box "What is it?".

"Just open it Wanda."

Wanda looked at the box and opened it slowly, she let out a small gasp and looked at the silver glistening ring. She traced her finger over the diamond "It's....um...it's beautiful, wow I- I don't know what to say,". A small tear trickled down her face. 

Nat looked over at the ring "She wanted to marry you after everything was all over."

"She wanted to marry me?"

"Yeah so she gave me that ring to keep safe in case something happened to her during the final battle."

Wanda picked up the ring from the box and put it delicately on her finger, she lifted her hand up into the air to get a better look at the ring "It's gorgeous."

The two girls pulled into the cabin and were greeted by Tony and Morgan. Morgan ran over to Wanda and gave her a hug.

"It's so good to see you guys it really is. How are you doing Wanda?" Tony asked her.

"I'm, I'm okay..yeah," it sounded like Wanda was trying to convince herself.

"Auntie Wanda, mummy said she said hi," Morgan looked at Wanda and smiled.

"Peppers not here?" Nat asked as she scooped Morgan up into a hug.

"No, she will be back in a bit though, Wanda did you get the box?" said Tony.

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