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Wanda had finally finished the cabin. After a week of sweaty labor it was done. The cabin had been furnished and all that was needed to complete the place was for Wanda to move in. Over the week all of the remaining Avengers had all helped to bring it together.

Most of the Avengers had stayed to help Wanda move the furniture in apart from Sam and Bucky who had gone off to deal with someone called the 'Power broker'.

Wanda loved her new cabin. It felt like home already- the small, cosy living room was her favorite part because it had a small, stone fireplace and one of those old fashioned TVs that reminded her of her home in Sokovia with her brother Pietro and her parents. She also loved the living room because of the sofa. There was a plump, dark brown sofa facing the fireplace. She loved this sofa because it used to sit in Auroras room in the compound and they used to spend their evenings laying on this couch while Wanda read to Aurora or they decided to christen the couch for the twentieth time.

The kitchen of the cabin looked out onto the living room meaning Wanda could still watch her sitcoms while she baked. There wasn't a lot in the cabin but to Wanda it was everything- it was her place away from reality where she could just relax and be herself not having to worry about everything back home.

The only thing she didn't like about the cabin was how far away she was from Aurora, which meant she couldn't visit her as often and she would have to rely on either Nat or Tony to fly out to Sokovia so they could bring Wanda to see her.

Since everything was finished in her cabin and there was no more decorating to do Wanda had decided to fly back to America to have one last visit to Aurora until the summer. Flying from Sokovia to America and back again is pretty expensive for someone who doesn't have a job.


Wanda arrived at the airport and walked into the main lobby pulling her suitcase behind her. Nat, Pepper and her new baby waited for Wanda by the exit.

This was the first time she had met the Stark's new baby and she was over the moon to meet the little guy.

"Aww he's so cute," Wanda squealed "Could I hold him?"

Pepper nodded and passed the small baby over, Nat then took Wanda's suitcase for her as they wandered out to the car.

"What did you decide to call him in the end?" Wanda asked Pepper whilst cooing at the little baby.

"It was a tough decision but Tony wanted to go with Jarvis in the end after his butler," Pepper told the girl.

"His Butler?" Wanda said.

Pepper nodded "Yeah that Butler basically raised Tony and was there for him whenever his father wasn't- which was quiet a lot," Pepper said.

They all piled into the car and started driving towards the Stark Tower- Nat had decided to move in there since nobody was living there at the minute and the compound had been renovated to become a trading ground for the Avengers or remaining S.H.I.E.L.D Agents.

"So what are you wanting to do for your last weekend in America?" Nat asked Wanda.

"It's not my last weekend in America Nat, and I'm not too sure but I know I'm going to see Aurora at some point," She informed the women "I'm doing that tomorrow for a couple of hours,".

Pepper and Nat nodded and they continued driving.

"How about we go for dinner tonight with Tony since we are free?" Pepper offered "We can get a sitter for Jarvis and Morgan."

"That sounds nice, I'm free tonight as well Yelena doesn't come until tomorrow evening so I have time to kill."

"It's a date." Wanda smiled and watched the small baby sleeping in his carrier.

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