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Director Hayward slumped back in his chair and sighed, dealing with people who had lost family was hard especially when they demanded to still see the dead person. He had never wanted to let Wanda come and see Aurora but he also didn't want to get blown to smithereens by her angry red blasts and her team of overpowered barbie dolls.

He put a loose file back in the drawer under his desk and turned to face his computer. Auroras corpse had been showing weird signs of energy over the past few days. His Scientist suspected it was her magic finally leaving her body but they weren't sure.

Hayward had decided against telling Wanda because he did want attention from Wanda and her troop coming in guns a blazing. To be totally honest Hayward didn't really understand what the scientists were doing but he was happy about the publicity from the Government he was getting and the funding he was getting as well. All he knew was that they were trying to understand how she got her powers and if it was possible other people had them or could be given them.

As he responded to long, overdue emails from clientele and employees, there was a loud, impatient knock at his door. Hayward could hear raised, anxious voices outside "Come in," He ordered.

A small, scrawny scientist stepped into the room, their white lab coat almost seemed to be drowning them. Hayward didn't recognize this person, they obviously were a new person and weren't of any importance around here.

"Well what is it? Spit it out!" He barked "I've not got all day!"

"Sir its Aurora." The scientist managed to say.

"What about her?" Hayward sighed "Did she go walk abouts in her sleep?" He joked lightly.

"Well that's just it sir, She's alive."

The Director paused and looked up from his computer "She's what?"

"I'm not too sure Sir, there was a huge surge of energy and she just sat up," The Scientist explained.

"Did she say anything, do anything?" Hayward asked.

"She asked where she was and who we are."

"Well what did you say?"

"Nothing I was told to get you." The Scientist said.

"Good we don't want to set her into a panic," The Director agreed and stood up before marching out of the door towards the lab.

He marched straight into the lab and stood face to face with Aurora who was sat on the table.

"Where am I?" Aurora asked, panic in her voice.

"Do you know your name?" Hayward asked the girl, avoiding the question.

"I- um.. yes it's Aurora Scarlett Stark, why wouldn't I know my own name?" She said.

"Aurora do you know what year it is?" Hayward asked again.

"Of course why are you treating me like i'm stupid.. it's September 15th 2014, why are you asking?". Hayward knew something was up with her as the date was actually July 27th 2024.

Hayward cleared his throat and looked around trying to keep a calm expression "Of course, of course."

"Where am I, and who are you?" Aurora asked again.

"Aurora I'm Director Tyler Hayward and you are in a S.W.O.R.D facility."

Auroras face dropped and she looked around the room frantically.

"Aurora?" Hayward said.

"She looked at him "Why am I here?"

Hayward looked at the Scientists around the room "Somebody call Wanda and Tony now!" He ordered.

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